Chapter 3: Lycans Everywhere

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Running through the Dark forest was really easy until you hear ferocious growls and paws running in her directions, yep that's when I booked it out of there with no clue where I'm going, I have been running for six hours now, and they have not caught  me, I have a feeling that they are just playing with me, because if they weren't, I would have been caught from the minute I start running.

Another two hours later, I stumbled across a castle that was heavily guarded by Lycans, I went up to them "Please help" I whispered before I fainted.

Third Person POV

After Savannah fainted in front of the Guards who were shocked that a mere werewolf managed to reach this far without getting her throat clawed out, "Brian, you take her to the King and Queen, they will decide what will happen to her" another guard Gideon said. Brian picked Savannah up in bridal style and rushed in to see the King and Queen.

"Your Majesties, this werewolf stumbled here and fainted, the last thing that came out of her Mouth was 'please help', what should we do?" The guard Brian asked "oh poor child" the King Judias said  "Judias dear, we should definitely help her" the Lycan Queen said making the king nod "take her to the infirmary immediately" King Judias ordered and with that the guard Brian rushed to the infirmary.

"Poor girl, what must have happened to her?" Queen Thea asked "I have no idea, dear" King Judias said.  The king ordered Rhiannon to come to the throne room, when Rhiannon entered the throne room she bowed "you called, Your Majesties?" she asked "yes, there's a young werewolf in the infirmary, it is a female and I want you to guard her" The queen said " yes, your majesties" Rhiannon said and walked off to the infirmary.

When she reached the infirmary, she entered the room that smelt highly of werewolf. She saw that the doctor was attending to the werewolf, the girl was in bad shape "what's the verdict?" Rhiannon asked " It's nothing major, just a couple of bruises and scrapes, suffering from dehydration and starvation, the bruises are going to take a week tops to heal, and the scrapes, those will take about 2-3 days tops, she will wake up in just a few minutes, so I had one of the nurses bring food and a drink here, when she wakes up have her eat and drink." the Doctor said.


Waking up, feeling groggy, and with my throat so dry that I can't talk, blonde hair and golden eye beauty came up to me, and handed me a glass of water, I sat up and took the water and down it, "hi, I'm Rhiannon, what's your name?" she asked "my name is Savannah, um, where am I?" I asked "you're currently in the dark forest, at the castle" she said "you are all Lycans" I said and she nodded "so, wanna tell me, how this all happened?" Rhiannon asked "Well I'm from the Crescent Moon  Pack, my mom died when I was nine and my little sister was seven, since then we haven't had a happy life, my dad went into depression thinking about how he lost his mate and not how we lost our mother, as we grew, we began to resent him, my little sister and I had to start fending for ourselves, my father remarried to a former Luna who had two children, her first born took over the pack that their died left, and the youngest came with Victoria, Raelon she is just like her mother, a bitch. So anyway, yesterday was my 18th birthday, I was playing COD with Sarah" I paused and took a deep breath.

"when we got called downstairs, so when we went downstairs, we noticed that the Alpha Family was there, and that's when I met my fated mate, but he was going to mate my stepsister all because she had Alpha blood in her, I got out there, but the next day they all burst in my room, the future Alpha who was my fated rejected me and his mother made me rogue for no reason and I'm guessing you figure out what happens next" I said.

At that same time,  she gave me a plate of food which I ate, the door opened and in came three very handsome, good-looking and muscled men along with two gorgeous looking women, one had a smile on her face and other is with a scowl like she would rather be somewhere else than here. "Hi, so you're wolf that everyone is talking about, I'm Milena, this is my mate Lorenzo, this is Zoren and his mate Brianna" she paused Brianna had an aloof expression while her mate had a smile on his face.

"Oh and this is Ryker, Brianna's older brother and Rhiannon's mate, there is supposed to be one more but he is out on business" Milena explained, I nodded "she didn't need to know that" Brianna snapped glaring at Milena.

I can tell when someone and I won't be getting along , and definitely Brianna and I won't be getting along.

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