Chapter 5: I'm a Chosen Mate

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I was currently in the suite, they had given me in the castle, laying on the bed doing nothing except thinking about my little sister, Sarah and how she is doing. I was about to go deeper into my mind when I heard a knock on my door  "come in" I called out , the door opened, I sat up and looked at the person that came in and saw that it is Alexandros, " oh is there something that I can help you with?" I asked really confused as to why he's here.

He came over and sat beside me "so how much do you know about lycans?" He asked "not much, why?" I asked "well, what do you know?" Alexandros asked "well, I know you guys are faster and stronger than a werewolf, better looking too, have sharper senses, oh and you guys don't have fated mates, you get to choose who you want for your mate, which is totally unfair by the way" I answered "well, what if I told you that you were chosen to be a Lycan's mate, what would you say?" he asked " I would say that he chose the wrong girl because I'm not looking for another mate, the first one was enough, and I don't want to be tied down to someone who could just toss me aside as soon as  he is tired of me" I responded.

"And who is this Lycan that you are talking about?" I added, "it's me and I'm not like that ex mate of yours, yeah I know  your back story, the rest told me" Alexandros stated "but you have no right to pry into my business like that, if you wanted to know you could have come straight to me and let's get one thing straight, just because you heard my so called sad story, does not mean you can come in here and take pity on me by choosing me for you mate, you have not just wounded my pride but you also just disrespected me!" I exclaimed angrily.

His face expression suddenly changes from a neutral one to an angry one "Listen here and listen good, you are on my territory and you will do exactly as I say, if it wasn't for my parents, you would been left for dead, so instead of acting like a brat, you should be grateful to them!" He snapped "I will forever be grateful to your parents but that doesn't give you the right to want to chose me for your mate against my will!" I exclaimed "well look at you being bold and all these shits, you should be happy that someone like me is taking an interest in someone like you, sweetheart, let's not forget who's the Lycan here!" He growled "and he wonders why I don't want to be your mate, well let me clear the confusion, you're an asshole, that's why I don't want to be your mate" I said.

The next thing I know I'm pinned to the bed with him on top of me, caging  my hands above my head and him completing between my legs completely pressed against me, so close that I feel his member at my core, and strangely I am getting turned on by his show of dominance. Time seemed to slow down, not realizing that I was gazing into his orbs of pure gold.

When suddenly the King opened the door, completely shocked that he found us in a very compromising position "um, I'll leave you two alone, I taught you well son" The king said smirking "It is not what you think!" I exclaimed but before I could complete my sentence, the king closed the door, I looked at Alexandros, only to see that he is already staring at me with a smirk on his face, which only served to piss me off more " get off me, you Jackass" I growled trying to push him off  me "but I quite like this position, you know with me on top and you underneath me, the  only thing that is missing is that we are still completely dress and my dick isn't inside you and you're not screaming my name" Alexandros said wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Oh lord, I can bet my little Sarah and him would have become best friends,  "please strip down and let him have his way with us" My wolf Liana purred 'hell no, did you just purr?' I asked mind linking her, "oh, don't act like you weren't thinking it" My wolf  said and that's when I cut the link between me and her. "will you please get off me?!" I exclaimed "well since you asked so nicely" he responded and got off me.

There was a knock on my door "are you two decent?" A voice called out "you can come in" I responded Milena entered the room, "dinner is served in the dining room" she said and we nodded, we all went to eat.

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