Chapter 7: Alexandros's Temper

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Arriving back at the castle, everyone stayed far away from me, which got me confused, I walked further into the castle, everyone started scurrying away. I saw Milena looked at me with wide eyes and started rushing away, but I stopped her "why is everyone behaving so weirdly?" I asked "they are? Well I didn't notice, toodles" she said about to walk away, I know I won't get anything out of her unless I scare it out of her "Milena, I swear if you don't tell me what the hell is going on, I will not be responsible for what happens  to you next" I said unleashing my powerful aura to further scare her, and she started talking like there's no tomorrow.

The more I heard the more I felt angry, how I could have been foolish enough to trust them to keep Brianna away from her, I was so full of rage that all I could see was red, I punched a hole in the wall which in turn frightened Milena even more but at this point I didn't care, I rushed out of there and made my way to the infirmary. There I saw Rhiannon and Ryker, sitting down in the waiting room, I walked over to them and they looked at me, they could tell that I was pissed off, they also knew that I knew what happened.

Rhiannon quickly stood up and started rushing over to me, she opened her mouth to start talking but I stopped her "save it, I don't want to hear anything from you because all this shouldn't have even happened, I left her under your watch, you not only disappointed me but you also showed me that I can't trust you to do anything" I snapped "It was an accident, I didn't mean for it to happen, I'm sorry" Rhiannon pleaded.

"I don't want an apology, I want her alive, and you better hope that she is alive, because if she does not live then seeing Ryker again would be the least of your problems, now get out of my way" I growled "Alexandros please listen to me" Rhiannon said "I said get out of my way, don't make me repeat myself" I snapped glaring at her. She slowly made her way out of the infirmary with her head hung low.

I was so blinded by anger that I didn't realized my mom and dad walked in "we heard everything" My mom said  looking at me sadly "son, you didn't have to be so hard on everyone, she was just only in a coma, the doctor said she will wake in 2 days'" My father said "2 days? she shouldn't have gotten hurt in the first place. Now there is a certain someone I would like to remind them of what happens when they meddle in my business, and I want to find that Lycan who dared to lay a hand on my chosen" I said very calmly.

My parents looked at each other, knowing what's going to happen next, "now son, let's be calm about this" my mother stated " oh, but I am calm, very very calm, I'm going there to talk very calmly " I said "that's good son, " My father said. I walked past them heading to the exit "in my own language, let's start with Brianna" I mumbled and rushed out the exit and into the castle. I followed her scent which led me to the garden and to say that I felt sorry for her when I saw her crying would be a total lie. Zoren looked up from comforting Brianna and saw me, He removed his hand from around her and stood up straight, "she didn't mean to make her leave" Zoren said "OH, but Anna left after what she said to her, therefore that puts Brianna at fault, because if she kept her mouth shut and out of my business then none of this would have happened, and Zoren as my best friend, you should know that I am not a forgiving man, now move aside so I can take care of Ms. 'talk a lot' here, wait she's crying, she shouldn't be crying she should be happy after all she got what she wanted" I stated.

Zoren stood still, not moving, "you're brave, I'll give you that but it will not stop me from getting to her, now as your prince you should obey me, you of all people should know the law of disobeying your lieges, do you need me to remind you?" I asked "no, your royal highness" he said and moved out of the way looking at Brianna with a sorry look on his face. "Alexandros, please I can explain, I never meant for this to happen" Brianna pleaded as she stepped back, and as she stepped back, I took steps forward.  I could my eyes changing to my red Lycan's eyes and my sharp canines pushing themselves out.

As I was about to attack I was held back by both my parents considering they're the only one strong enough to hold me back. My father held me while my mother attended to a very traumatized Brianna which only  made me angrier.

let's just say I had to be sent into the forest to take a run.

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