Chapter 1

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What if you woke up and the next thing you knew, you're in a different world?

What will you do?

Of course this is impossible but... it might happen. Anytime. To anyone.


I look to my side and saw my clubmate, "Why?"

"You're spacing out again. Help me with these problems." I walk over to her. "Another student?"

"Yep." I read the math problem and tried calculating the formulas in my mind. "The answer's 10."

"Thanks." Bella said and wrote down the answer. "Uhh the solution?" I chuckled and stole the pencil she's holding and starts writing down the solution. 

As you can see, we're a math club members. Usually during break time or after school hours, we spend our time here in our little office to wait for any math problems to arrive. Once they arrive, we get paid. This is not part of the service of the club, this is our dirty little secret. 

When the clock strike 6, we left school. Bella took the bus while I rode my bicycle. Our house is not that far, it's located on some isolated place full of trees and a rocky road. 

When I arrived at the gate, I get off from my bicycle and opened it. The gate is getting rusty every day. I notice new emails and grabbed it before going further inside the house.

"Okay. What should I cook this time?" I opened the fridge and found a pork belly. Meat again. I closed it and opened the upper cabinet. Ramen. Hmm why not.

"I already paid these bills." I said before throwing the mails to the garbage can. I look behind and saw that the microwave is done heating my ramen. 

"Thank you for the food." Ahh. Ramen is the best. No one can beat the taste of this ramen. But wait, something's missing...


I stood up to see if there are any leftovers in the refrigerator. But I found none. I hate this. I'm craving for chicken now.

I took my phone and..

"1 bucket of chicken. Add more cheese sauce." I said and hung up. I sighed and sat again on the dinner table. 

Finish your food no matter what.

"I know." I smiled and starts eating again.

"Thank you." I said and received my order. I quickly went back to the dining table and opened it. Ahhh finally! The smell of a freshly cooked fried chicken.

I put the fried chickens on a plate and went to the living room. I turned on the aircon and the television. I went back to the kitchen and grab a bottle of sprite and a bowl of rice.

"..Elixir Corporation's stocks are now at its lowest point. Will they be able to regain their stocks and be at the top again?"

I took a sip of my sprite and ate my 3rd chicken wing. I switched the channel and went to Netflix. What should I watch? Okay Black Mirror. This series is good.

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