(38) The Wild, Wild Pussy Cats!

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Kusuo's POV:

"Finally off that bus!" Kaminari exclaimed in relief, stretching with everyone else as we all got off the bus, onto a circular mountainside, which had fences made out of wood surrounding and separating it from the forest.

"WHERE'S THE BATHROOM I NEED TO PEE! I NEED TO PEE!" A certain perverted raisin shouts as it runs around blindly, almost hitting some of us in the process.

"This isn't much of a rest area." Sero observed. looking around us.

"Yeah. And where's class B?" Jiro added, and looked at the road we came from, expecting the other bus to arrive.

"You don't really think we stopped here to rest, don't you?" Dadzawa deadpanned, making everyone look at him with confusion written all over their faces.

"Hiya, Eraser and Kusuo! It's been a while, hasn't it?" A voice called from a familiar vintage limo-like car from our left, as its doors opened. 

"Long time no see." "Hey again." Me and Dadzawa greeted, as the people from inside the car stepped out, revealing:

"Your feline fantasies are here! Say meow!" A brunette shouted, wearing a red cat-like hero costume.

'Sorry, but I'd rather not say meow, for the sake of my last remaining sanity.'

"Purrfectly cute and cat-like girls!" A blonde girl with the same costume but is blue instead of red shouted after.

'I hate how I got turned into a cat just as I'm about to see them again. Good grief.'

""You can call us the!... Wild, Wild Pussycats!" They yelled, posing, with Kota standing next to them with a deadpan expression.

"These are the people you'll be working with during summer camp." Dadzawa stated, while everyone looked unamused. Well, except for one person.

"They're a four-person hero team who specializes in mountain rescue!" Izuku fanboyed, with wide eyes and a large grin plastered on his face. "The Pussycats were founded when we were kids like, forever ago!" He exclaimed, making the said girls gasp, and produce a demonic aura.

'Did he just say forever?! Pfffft- Izuku, you should really learn how to word your sentences properly.' 

"This marks their twelfth year working as a-! Hmph!" He was interrupted as Pixiebob, the blue one, slammed her paw onto his face, claws around his head threatening to pierce through.

"You should probably take your final exams again! Your math is way off!" She yelled at him with a terrifying expression on her face. "I'm eighteen at heart!" She shouted proudly, and threateningly.

"Understood..." Came a muffled response from the broccoli.

"Everyone. Say hello." Dadzawa commanded, and everyone did so.

""Nice to meet yo-!"" "Kusuoooo~!" Mandalay shouted, jumping and rubbing her cheek against my face.

"We missed you so so much!" She shouted as she squeezed me into a hug, making me sweatdrop.

"Oh? And what is this? You turned into a neko?! How adorable!" Pixiebob shouted as well, joining the hug and ruffling my hair, also petting my ears.

"Ehem." Dadzawa cleared his throat, making them stop and look at himn immediately standing up straight.

"Oh, right!" Mandalay cleared her throat, before explaining to the others what to know about the camp. I discretely walked next to Kota, nodding at him as a hello, earning a nod back. "We own this whole land here, everything you can see." She stated, gesturing to the whole forest, before pointing at the mountain. "The summer camp you're staying at is right there, at the base of the mountain."

""That's far!"" Everyone exclaimed.

"Uh, then why did we stop all the way out here instead?" Uraraka asked, clearly confused.

"I think we both know the answer to that." Tsu responded, finally catching on.

"That can't be right, they wouldn't do that right?" Sato nervously smiled, and soon, everyone started to realize what was happening.

"Back to the bus... quick, let's go..." Sero said nervously in a slightly high-pitch voice.

"Good idea!" Kaminari quickly agreed, but before anyone could say anything else, Mandalay spoke.

"The current time is 9:30 in the morning~. If you're fast about it, you might make it there by around noon." She smirked, and everyone started to step back.

"No way, guys??" Eiji spoke.

"Holy crap!" Ashido exclaimed, before the both of them started to run away.

"SAVE YOURSELVES!" Eiji shouted as he ran, making everyone but me run away to the direction of the bus.

'What happened to your promise of keeping me safe?' I pouted.

"If you don't make it there by 12:30, you won't get any lunch!" Mandalay added quickly.

"You should've guessed already as we got here." I shrugged at them.

"The training camp..." Pixiebob jumped in front of everyone with her paws on the ground, stopping them from getting any closer to the bus. "...Has already began." Dadzawa stated, before Pixiebob's paws glowed cyan as she used her quirk. She patted the ground, and started to shift the ground around, making a huge landslide. Everyone screamed, as they were all blasted from the parking lot(?) into the forest

Me, being me, levitated up so I wouldn't get caught into the attack, and watched in amusement as they crashed into the ground.

"Good news!" Mandalay yelled over the fence. "Since this is private land, you can use your quirks as much as you want to! You've got three full hours! You should be able to make into the facility in that time! That is, if you could get through the Beast's Forest!"

"The Beast's Forest?!" Izuku shouted.

"That sounds like something out of a fantasy game!" Kaminari stated. I levitated down to where they were, and stood next to them. Usually, I would just fly away and teleport once I'm out of sight. But, I decided to join them since I do need to learn how to control my quirk.

"Why do we keep falling for Aizawa's little tricks??" Jiro slightly whined.

"There's no use complaining. I guess we should get going." After Eiji said that, a raisin flew into the forest, hands on his crotch, trying to find a spot to take a leak.

'Oh, I wonder why he has to go so bad?... Why are you looking at me like that? I swear I didn't to anything...'

The raisin suddenly stopped running as a large hand made out of mud slammed on the ground in front of him. Everyone looked up, to see a monstrous thing with large claws and sharp teeth, made out of mud, and they started screeching and screaming.

""WE'RE ALL 'GONNA DIE!!" Kaminari and Sero screamed.

"Oh, don't be so dramatic. At least there aren't any bugs." I rolled my eyes, and watched as everyone got into fighting stances.

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