Chapter 1: Phone call

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The shopping districts were always full of bright lights, late night shoppers, and young people looking for fun. However, you weren't there to marvel at the expensive items in shop windows or find a place for drinks. You were there on patrol as a pro, currently perched on a building slightly shorter than the others. You had shifted into a little black cat, their impeccable night vision helping you search alleyways and dark corners for any signs of a disturbance.

Today's patrol had been quiet, only helping some lost individuals and escorting a couple of drunk girls to their worried friend group, reminding them to not let any individual over-drink. You didn't mind this. Some say it's boring, but you say it means people are safe. In the corner of your eye, you saw a little boy frantically looking around while crying, clearly lost, so you shifted back and hopped down.

You made your way through the crowd to the boy, seeing him now standing there sobbing. You knelt down to see him and greeted him. "Hi there. Are you lost?" he looked you in the eye, his tears slowing down, before he looked up and gasped. You followed his eyes to see he was watching your fluffy black ears. "You want to feel them?" you asked him, hoping to calm him down. His eyes widened in exitement and he rapidly nodded, a bright smile splitting his face.

You lowered you head and he immediately went to pet your ears, giggling happily. After a while, you picked him up. "Who did you come here with?"
"My mom." he replied.
"Do you know her number?"
He nodded and handed you a little slip of paper with a phone number.
"Hello?! Who is this?" you heard a worried female voice ask.
"Hello, I'm pro hero (H/N) and I've found your son." You replied. She gasped. "Oh thank god! Umm... Oh! I'm near the Boba tea shop near the fountain! Thank you so much for finding Taru!" She said before hanging up.

You brought Taru to his mother and went to continue your patrol after she thanked you for ten minutes. You were about to climb back up a building when there was screaming and a small explosion. You made your way towards the noise to see a group of at least five armed men robbing a small jewelry store. You made your way into the clearing and brought the attention of the criminals by yelling "If your gonna get arrested, clap your hands!", to which none responded.

For a moment, it was a standoff between you and the criminals before on panicked and grabbed a gun. You shifted into a cheetah, releasing a loud roar. The crooks froze and dropped their weapons as you started circling the group, causing them to back up into each other until they were all grouped up. You then dashed to grab a length of rope from their getaway vehicle and started running around them, ultimately wrapping them up. You then shifted back and tied knots in the rope, effectively immobilizing them.

Civilians started returning to see you stretching by the criminals, the energy used when shifting starting to sink in. As more people came, they recognized you and began to cheer. You kept by the criminals until the police arrived and took them away. After meeting a few fans and taking a few pictures, you noticed your shift had ended. You bid farewell to the crowd and leapt up the buildings, eager to finally go home.

(Time skip brought to you by Midnight's first hero costume)

You lived in a decently big apartment. Their was a living room and open kitchen, one bedroom and one bathroom as well as a large balcony. You came home and went straight to your room to grab some comfortable clothes before heading to the bath.

You took a long bath before slipping into bed. You lay there under the covers, looking at the view through the windows across from your bed. By now it was the very early hours of the morning. You mindlessly went to feel your left ear and click your fingers next to it. Nothing. Ever since the incident, you had not been able to hear in that ear. You also had a fear of going to sleep unless someone was watching you, meaning you only ever took naps at your agency, where a colleague would  watch over you.

You had been attempting to sleep unwatched more often. You closed your eyes and slowly drifted to sleep. . . until you were awaken by a gunshot and leapt wide awake. Of course, you looked around your room and concluded it was only you there. You felt no need to look around to check. After all, that always happened when you tried to sleep on your own.

You jumped when the silence was broken, and sighed a breath of relief when you realized it was just your phone. You picked up your phone to see it was an unknown caller. Hesitantly, you answered. "Hello?"
"Why hello! Firstly, I would like to apologize for calling at such an ungodly hour, I must have woken you." claim a cheerful voice.
"No, it's fine, I was having trouble sleeping anyway. Who is this, exactly?" you asked.
"Oh, I am Nezu! You may know me as the Yuuei principal with impeccable fur!" he answered.

You immediately brightened up. A few weeks prior, you had sent an application to become a teacher at UA. On the sheet was a list of classes you were capable of teaching, and you picked heroics, quirk laws, and Maths. You honestly didn't mind which course you taught, as long as you made a meaningful impact on some of the next generation.

"We've noticed that quirk laws and mathematics were on your application, and those just so happen to be where some students often have issues! What a coincidence!" Nezu explained with a cheerful remark. You listened intently and crossed your fingers. "Could I request you come in to an interview at 1pm?"

You leapt to your feet in joy, standing on your bed. "Of course! Thank you so much for this opportunity!" You said, before bidding him farewell and falling back on your bed, making a weird victory squeal. You bounce up and immediately run to your kitchen to make coffee, hoping to at least take a nap on the train ride there. You put together a formal outfit and grabbed your things before making your way to the station.

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