Chapter 13: Interview

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Heroes rarely publicly announced their E-mail addresses. Their social medias would already get plenty of traffic, and they needed something clear for work. Because of this, some hero agencies would be in charge of receiving offers and such for pro heroes. They would be in charge of filtering through for useful offers: news interviews, potential collaborations with other agencies for long-term missions, commercials and sponsorships, etcetera. Because of this, smaller heroes and underground heroes would only ever get mission-related emails. 

So it surprised you when you got an email regarding a live interview. 

You had suddenly got a notification while marking the students' work. Concluding Kaminari's roundabout method to figure out a simple question and Midoriya's thoroughly explained methods would still be there after checking your phone, you checked it. You were thoroughly shocked that anyone would request to interview you. Reading through the email, a news channel which revolved around heroes was requesting to interview you and several other female pro heroes about their experiences. It was nice to have someone say they wanted to hear what you had to say, especially in regards to a subject spoken about frequently yet not listened to as much as it should be. 

(am I wrong?)

You drafted an email accepting the request and listing the further information you required: time, place, potentially discussed topics, and everything else you deemed necessary. You sent it off with a click before going back to marking, a few braincells dying with each sheet of nonsense. At least some were able to understand and help the others. Bakugo's competence was a blessing; who knows how much he would yell if he wasn't a top scorer. 

That night was a night with no sleep, as it usually was whenever Nemuri didn't stay the night. It was around 10:30pm when your phone buzzed on the nightstand, alerting you to an unread email. You scanned over the email a couple times to memorise the info before hopping out of bed, concluding a night of patrolling the neighbourhood would be more useful than a night of lounging around in bed.


That weekend, you entered the news building and quietly made your way to the front desk in your civilian attire, your ears twitching as you heard snippets of random conversations around the reception. The lady at the front desk offered a friendly smile as you approached, and you returned one. "Hello, miss. How can I help you?", she queried.
"I'm here for the female pro heroes interview.", you responded, slipping your hero license card out of your pocket and handing it to her for her to check. She turned to her computer for a moment before handing the card back to you alongside an empty lanyard. "Please put your card in the lanyard so people know what you're here for, thank you. You'll need to head to the 5th floor studio. Someone will escort you to hair and make-up from there. 

You thanked her with a curt bow before making your way to the elevators she pointed out. Upon reaching the 5th floor, you checked the map on wall across from the elevator doors and made your way to the studio. When you found the studio with security stood on guard by the door, you showed them your lanyard, allowing you entry. Suddenly, a person covered in vibrant colours approached you, a shiny 'he/they' pronoun badge on his jacket. "Hi! Are you (H/n)? I'm going to be your hair and make-up stylist for today. Right this way!", they ushered you to a different part of the studio with a vanity and cosmetic products. From his own make-up and positive attitude, you felt you could easily put your faith in them. 

Your hair and make-up was done quickly, seeing as he was just touching up your already styled hair and using a bit of make-up to make your features stand out more. 
The set had a large screen on the back, and some comfortable looking seats. While people were working on lighting and cameras, someone came over to you and helped set up your mic, clipping it onto your top. There were already some female pro heroes there talking amongst themselves: Mirko, Miss Joke, Mandalay and Pixie Bob from the wild wild pussycats, mount lady, and even Nemuri. All of them were also in civilian attire with lanyards, so you were glad to have asked for info beforehand. You quickly greeted the other heroes and took a seat next to Nemmie. 

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