Chapter 20: Overdoing it . . . Again (+ Announcement!)

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The next team to go in were quick and efficient in their individual strategies. Bakugo shot straight to the top floor in search of civilians, immediately finding Cementoss and blasting his way through to the 4th floor with him trailing behind. Iida started at the bottom and ran up, finding a several dozen ectoplasms on the 1st and 2nd floors. Tokoyami and Kirishima focused on the fires; Kirishima went around smashing open windows to let smoke out. Tokoyami took advantage of the darkness provided by smoke-filled rooms and dark shadow smothered fires on the lower 3 floors. Overall, the group were out of the building with all civilians with a whole minute to spare. While their wasn't much teamwork, their individual strategies did indirectly aid each other and they saved both civilians, so they still passed with flying colours.

The next team worked together perfectly. Jirou used her earphone jacks to locate all 3 civilians in the apartment. This building was the first apartment used by team 1, meaning it was already falling apart before it went up in flames a 2nd time. Mina led the group in, dissolving large pieces of debris while Sato and Uraraka moved other sizeable pieces out of the way. They found Aizawa on the 5th floor, who immediately deactivated their quirks until they got him out of the building. It caused some confusion and a bit of a struggle, but they did succeed in evacuating him while quirkless. Sato stayed with him while he used his eyedrops. It was scary how strong Aizawa was, having kept his eyes wide open through 2 minutes of pure black smoke. After finding 13 and Snipe, the 3rd group passed too.

Not a single team failed the class, with every group successfully cooperating and rescuing the teachers posing as civilians.
No one had to be sent to be recovery girl either! Although, not everyone was completely fine after the training...


"Miss (Y/n)! Where are you? Miss (Y/n)!"

"Here, teacher teacher teacher! Pspspspspsps."

"Denki, I really don't think that's going to work."

"Trust me, Mina, cats love it when you do that. Pspspspspsp."

"Are we sure she's still in the Building? Did anyone leave a window open?"

The teacher in question was sat under one of the sofas in the 1A common room, trying to take a nap. Even after 20 or so minutes of searching, the students had yet to think of overturning the furniture. Yes, she was undisturbed, but their yelling and running around was far more annoying. After a long stretch, the transformed teacher finally emerged from under the couch. Luckily for her, the first person she saw was Bakugo, who was scrolling on his phone instead of running around like everyone else was.

"Hm?" Bakugo looked down at the feline snuggled into his side, making bread on the couch cushion before curling up against his thigh. The student simply shrugged of his sudden companion and continued reading whatever was on his phone. Occasionally, he would scratch behind her ears or leave a warm hand on her back, simply allowing the teacher to snooze while the other 19 students failed to notice her sat next to him.

After a while, Aizawa arrived in the dorm and took a seat in the middle of the couch, (Y/n) and Bakugo to his right. "How long has it been since they started looking?", Aizawa asked, closing his eyes and letting his head rest on the back of the couch. Bakugo glanced at the time displayed in the corner of his screen. "About an hour and a half? I dunno, they lost her some time around four."
"And how long has she been sat next to you?"
"20 minutes."
Aizawa sighed, slowly dozing off alongside his co-worker and student. Bakugo slipped his phone back into his trouser pocket and rested his cheek on the palm of his right hand, his elbow propped up on the armrest. Honestly? Sleep didn't sound to bad right about now.

Another 10 minutes went by before all the students returned to the lounge room, an air of shame and defeat lingering around them.
"I can't believe we lost (Y/n) sensei. She wasn't even outside! What are we gonna tell- Aizawa sensei?", Kirishima paused half way through his question, and everyone turned to look at the couch. There, Aizawa slept alongside Bakugo, with (Y/n)'s chin rested on his lap. The entire room was silent. No one knew what to say.
". . . Was she with Bakugo and Aizawa the whole time?"
"I don't know. She wasn't there the last time I saw Bakugo, and neither was Aizawa sensei."

"Wait, did Bakugo help find her? Bro, that's so manly.", Kirishima declared, a masculine tear descending down his cheek.
"I guess Bakugo isn't as aggressive as he makes himself out to be!", Denki concluded with mirth in his voice.
"I'll show you aggressive if you don't stop talking shit when I'm right fucking here, you bastards!"
Everyone was immediately silenced by Bakugo's glare. Denki was quick to cover his mouth to cover the 'eep' that jumped out of his throat.

"It's amazing how Bakugo can be so inspiring and so terrifying at the same time.", Midoriya muttered before flinching as Bakugo redirected his stare.
"Get out."
And like that, everyone left the lounge room, as if they were never there in the first place.


Ok, confession time.
Obviously it's been absolutely fucking ages since I've updated this story (9 months? what the fuck (ToT) ), and honestly just as long since I've made an attempt to write anything for it.
To tell the entire truth, I don't know what I'm doing with this story. I don't want to discontinue it, but there is absolutely no plot.
I told myself I wanted a story where there's no 50-chapter slow burn or angst built on miscommunication and misunderstanding, so I did that.
. . . And absolutely failed to create any kind of plot. It's an empty story.

So I don't want to discontinue this. But I also don't know what to do.

This is where you guys, my amazing readers, get involved.

I would like you to give me prompts or ideas or general things you would like to see, and this book will basically go from whatever it is now to a slice-of-life kind of thing. You want comfy dates at home? You get comfy dates at home! You want UA shenanigans? You got it! Ask away and I will write it!

I hope I've disappointed too many of you with this, and I hope you can continue to enjoy reading it.

I've stepped back, I've learnt new things, I've missed writing, and I think I'm ready to come back to writing. I hope you'll stick around with me.

I love all of you, thank you for your support, and I'll see you all later <3

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