Chapter 11: No (Y/n), just cat.

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(I'm updating! Y'all can put the summoning tools and stuff away. No witchcraft is needed.
I don't know how american or Japanese school systems work, or if they even differ that much, so I'm just gonna base any school stuff off of the Uk school system)

A week passed, and classes progressed with no issue. That class proved to be no different when the final bell rang, dismissing the students while you packed away her lesson notes and laptop. Thankfully, you would have nothing to mark until the students had their end of unit assessments the following week. That left plenty of time to build good relationships with staff and settle into the routine you and Nemuri had made: you would chat in the teacher's lounge while revising power points and lesson plans, then make your way home. Some days, you would eat out and then head your separate ways. However you preferred the days Nemuri would go home with you and you would share a homemade dinner. On those nights, you would watch movies together, or just get lost in conversation that seemed to flow effortlessly between the two of you. You had even gotten closer to her closest friends. A few days prior, Hizashi and Shota had accompanied the two of you for a dinner at your apartment. The night was full of laughter and conversation. Even Aizawa seemed livelier... in his own tired way. 

However, tonight was different: you were going to Nemuri's apartment for the first time. While it seemed really insignificant to others, you couldn't help but worry. You worried about a lot, to be completely honest. You couldn't help but come up with random scenarios of anything and everything that could go wrong. 
You hadn't even realised you had reached the teacher's lounge until you felt your back hit the wall. You looked up, wide-eyed and panicked, before realising what had happened. It wasn't very hard with Nemuri peering down at you, arms on either side of your head.

"You excited for tonight, kitten?" Her wording alongside the pet name had your face igniting into a deep red. "Why did you have to word it like that?", you whined, covering your scalding hot face and willing your wild imagination to calm down.
"You know how much I love to tease you.", she retorted, pulling you from the wall and encasing you in a hug. Well, less a hug, more her sticking your face between her boobs. No complaints though!

"Since you seem so nervous, how about we head to one of the training grounds and just have a little one-on-one spar? That always brings out your confident side. There'll be some other pros there if that makes you more comfortable?"
You thought over her offer, and soon found yourself stretching at gym Gamma across from Nemuri some other pros doing their own training elsewhere in the gym. You had both changed out of your work outfits into some more comfortable clothes. You wore (preferred exercise clothes), while Nemuri wore a sports bra and yoga pants.
You both took your stances before charging at each other.

The two of you had agreed on hand to hand combat with no quirks, so you thought you would have the advantage due to your natural reflexes. You ducked low as she swung a fist at you, and attempted to pounce at her. However, she easily evaded you by hopping to the side, ending up behind you. With her vantage point, she gave you a strong kick straight to the rear. (MirkosRightThigh ask and you shall receive)
"Nice to see you're so eager to jump my bones.", Nemuri joked as you spun around to face her. The two of you continued to spar, alternating between offense and defense in turn. Eventually, you both agreed on the use of quirks, and continued to spar. You didn't know how long the two of you had been going at it, but you began using your quirk less as it went on, as you felt a familiar fuzziness in your head.

You continued pushing yourself to your limits, rapidly switching between feline and human forms, when you felt the heaviness in your head ease. However, with this lack of heaviness also came a lack of thought.
From Nemuri's point of view, she had seen you transform into a (h/c) Maine Coon and just sit there. She had deactivated her quirk and approached you, but was taken aback when you turned and just stared at her. After that you had just slumped onto your side and wriggled around to get comfortable. She couldn't help but laugh.
"(Y/n), kitty, are you able to change back?" Nemuri was given no answer, as you had fallen asleep.

Restless: A MHA midnight x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now