Chapter 2: Quite an introduction

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You suddenly awoke when the train came to a quick halt at your stop. You checked the time to see it was 12:15pm. You shifted into a cat to reach the train and your ears and tail matched your hair. You wore a maroon dress which hugged your figure and a grey cardigan. You had a brown leather purse over your shoulder, some plain black heels and some bell earrings which you only got out on special occasions. You also had your skintight hero suit on underneath just in case. (You can get an idea of your outfit from the image above. It took me 10 minutes to find this cuz all the other teachers looked thirsty. 😑)

You reached the school in fifteen minutes and pressed the button by the gate. "Miss (L/N)? Come right in and to my office!" You heard the cheery voice of Nezu say before giving you directions to it. You thanked him before entering the gates of UA. You were supposed to arrive when the students were heading back to lesson after lunch but, seeing as you came early, students had just started their lunch break and were walking around the campus.

As you walked, some students looked at you and others recognized you as (H/N), so you waved and had short conversations with some. "Oh wow! That's (H/N), one of my favourite pro heroes!" you heard a girl with pink hair and yellow horns/antennae say to four others. One of them, a blonde with a lightning bolt shape in his hair, came up to you. "Hey, are you gonna be a teacher? Because if so, you're instantly gonna be my favourite." he said with a smile and flirtatious sink.

A blind person could see he was hitting on you, so you decided to let him down nicely.
"Well if I was your teacher, that would be illegal. But that was sweet, thanks." you said. He was in thought before asking, "So if you were closer to my age, or vice versa, you would be interested?"
You sighed. "I'm sorry. I would humour you, but I've got to get to an interview. If I get the job, I hope to speak to you soon!" you said with a wave, continuing on your way to the UA main building.

As you made your way to Nezu's office, you heard a ruckus from a room to your right with a sign saying "Teacher's lounge". Suddenly, you heard someone yell "NEMURI!" before the door swung open. Suddenly, a figure jumped out and crashed into you, sending you both to the floor. You opened your eyes to see a woman with dark blue hair a similar colour as the night sky on top of you.

She opened her sky blue eyes with a face of shock, but this soon turned to a flirtatious smirk and you watched her slowly and seductively licked her lips. She didn't get off you. She instead rose to straddle your hips, resting her weight on your thighs, right above. . . there.
"Why, what's a little kitty like you doing here?~" she asked, still refusing to release you. You had no idea how do deal with this intense flirting and just froze under her, red, wide eyed and silent.

"Oh, silent now? One night with me and you'll be screaming all night~." she whispered into your ear before a grey scarf restrained her and lifted her off you. "Nemuri, we've talked about this: calm your horny ass, this is a school." a very tired looking man said, who you recognized as the underground hero Eraser head, having worked with him once.

As she got dragged back into the lounge pouting, someone else came out to check on you. "Hey, listener! You good down there?" a man asked. You glanced over to him and quickly recognized him. "Oh, Present Mic. I think I was on your radio show once." you said, calmed down enough to finally stand up. "Ah, (H/N)! How you been?"
"I was about to get to an interview but I got jumped and flirted with."
He perked up. "You gonna become a teacher? ALRIGHT! Can't wait to see ya around!" he said before returning to the lounge.

Eventually, you did reach Nezu's office and knocked before he let you inside. "It seems you arrived at 12:30 but arrived at 1'o'clock. Did you wait half an hour before knocking?" he joked with a giggle. The interview flew by and ended with a congratulations and a handshake.
"I think, since it's the last lesson of the day, you should see the hero course at work! I've called down a teacher to take you there. It will be both 1A and 1B."

There was a knock at the door. "Ah, there she is now! Come in! Come in!"
And guess who walked in.
"Oh, if it isn't the shy little kitty~."  the woman purred. You sighed and stood up. "I'm Nemuri Kayama, the R rated hero Midnight. You can call me Nemuri, or Nemmie if you're into me. Now, can I know your name, or should I keep calling you kitty?" Nemuri asked.

"(Y/N) is fine, thanks." you responded, hoping the blush creeping up your neck wasn't too noticeable. You followed her through the building before arriving at an open area with two classes. Most noticed you and started murmuring amongst themselves. "You got your hero suit on or just lingerie? I'm fine with either."

"I've got my suit." you quickly responded, blush dusting the tips of your ears and your cheeks. The teachers, Eraserhead and Vlad King, turned to welcome you. "The students will be sparring 2v2 with a student from 1A and 1B paired." Vlad King explained. You nodded as the teachers gained their classes' attention.

"Ok students. This is the feline heroine: (H/N). She's going to be a teacher here and will help us demonstrate what today's lesson will do. You will be pairing with someone from the other class and will fight 2v2. This will test your cooperation and how much you change your style to suit your partner's. I will be with Vlad King and Midnight will be with (H/N)."

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