Chapter 12: Labels

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You were startled to find herself in a room you didn't recognise, while simultaneously drawing a blank when trying to remember what happened after training with Nemuri. You shoved a pillow over her face as you groaned, expecting to hear the worst about what happened. Had you made a fool out of yourself? Did Nemmie expect a night of intimacy but instead had to babysit you while you acted like a toddler? Your thoughts were drowned out by one loud thought:
This doesn't smell like Nemuri.

Ignoring the fact you knew it wasn't her bed because you smelt detergent instead of her shampoo, you tossed the pillow off your face and sat up. Looking around, you were confused to see a simple room, like the ones in the teacher's apartment block, devoid of any additional decoration or furniture. Had Nemuri just babysat you in the teacher's apartment building until you fell asleep? It was then you felt a cold breeze and looked down.


You took a few calming breaths and thought logically. You had used your quirk a lot and shifted back and fourth quite a lot, so you must've blanked out while a cat. Rising from the bed, you saw the room had two doors. Since the room had a wardrobe already, one of the doors must lead to an attached bedroom. You opened the first door just enough to see out of, and saw a hallway. Quickly closing that door, you went over and opened the other in the same way. Upon catching a glance of a toilet, you breathed a sigh of relief. Thank goodness you wouldn't have to walk around in nothing but a blanket while looking for somewhere to... answer the call of nature. 

While in there, you saw the shower still had small complimentary bottles of shampoo and other cleaning products. Seeing as there was also a towel there, you decided a bath wouldn't do you any harm.
As you rubbed shampoo into your hair, you felt something odd. The tips of some strands were slightly shorter than others and dry at the end, almost singed. You decided to just ignore it and continued your bath.

Upon exiting the shower, you saw the clothes you wore for training, washed and folded, on the bed. You quickly put the clothes on and exited the room, looking up and down the corridor. To the right, there was an elevator at the very end of the hallway. To the left, it opened into a large lounge with an open kitchen. More specifically, it was the lounge of heights alliance, class 1A's dorm building. Now the question was why were you at 1A's dorm building? 

"Hey, (L/n) sensei is awake! Good morning sensei!", Ashido called from the couch, waving at you aross the lounge. "Aizawa sensei told us about your quirk overuse, so don't worry about having to explain that bit. Are you ok? Would you like some breakfast?", Ochako asked, peering out from the kitchen. You politely declined and asked about the whereabouts of the other two teachers. "I don't know where Aizawa sensei is, but your girlfriend went back to her apartment to get herself some clothes. She should be back soon."
"Ok, thank yo- wait what did you say?", you sputtered while Mina simply responded "Oh nothing, don't worry about it."

It was then that Nemuri made an appearance, entering the dorm building in civilian clothes. "Morning, kitty. Good to see you're back your usual adorable self.", she greeted after seeing your flustered self staring at the floor as if you were looking to it for help. You looked to Nemuri with a dejected face. She held back a laugh after imagining the floor looking back at you and responding with "Sorry, there's nothing I can do."

"Kayama sensei, are you and (L/n) sensei dating?", Mina asked. After seeing Nemmie gesture to follow her, you did so, the two of you exiting the building without giving her an answer.

When you got outside, you didn't expect to see concern written all over Nemuri's face.
"Do those sorts of questions bother you? You seemed a bit uncomfortable, and I wanted to make sure you were ok."
"I'm fine, it's just...", you wondered how to word it without seeming to forcing. "Are we? Dating, I mean. We've never explicitly said anything on the subject."

She took a large stride, standing inches away from you. She took your hands in hers, holding one on her chest, right above her heart, and the other to her face, where she placed a kiss on the back of your hand. "(Y/n) (L/n), we've been closer than friends for around a month now. You make me very happy and I would love to be able to call you mine. Will you be my girlfriend?"
You didn't expect that either. Your brain tried to make at least one word, but all that came out was an incoherent sound and a gust of air. You ended up just rapidly nodding your head, making Nemuri giggle.

Seeing you made her laugh gave you a sudden burst of confidence. Freeing your hands from hers, you steadied your racing heart and grabbed Nemuri's shoulders. You quickly pulled her face to yours and your lips crashed into hers. Her arm wrapped around your back and her other hand rested on your cheek. You both pulled back for air before you pulled Nemuri into a hug, burying your face in the crook of her neck. "It feels like I'm dreaming.", you mumbled into her neck, listening to the rhythm of her quick pulse. "I feel the same. I'm no lucky to have you in my life.", she whispered, running her fingers through your hair. You wished the moment would never end, but the calm moment was quickly ruined when you heard squealing from the doors of heights alliance. 

Stood in the doorway, caught in the act, were Ashido and Aoyama, both covering each others mouths. 

It was safe to say the two of them would be receiving extra maths homework.


I hope you're enjoying this book! I made save drama and intense storyline for the Techno x reader. This book is basically just gonna be some adorable lesbean stuff. Minimal angst, my heart can't take that.

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