Chapter 6: Date time!

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You laid on your bed, staring at the ceiling in thought. More specifically, about your date with midnight tomorrow. You thought of multiple scenarios, each of them slowly getting worse, and worse, and worse. What if she doesn't like me that way and it was just all a big inside joke to her? What if I make a fool of myself in front of her? What if I accidentally bring up the dream I had about her and she thinks I'm weird?!

You grabbed a pillow and pushed it over your face, contemplating suffocating yourself, but going against it in the end. Instead, you let out some stress by tossing it as hard as you can against the opposite wall, causing a few framed pictures to sway before falling back down onto the bed. You thought of anything you might have forgotten to do. Finding you couldn't think of any other way to prepare, you finally let your mind rest, drifting off into a shallow sleep.

You woke up to light shining through your windows directly into your eyes, instantly ruining your mood. Before you could even consider laying there and complaining about life, you shot up, realising what was happening that day. You hopped up and took a shower. Stepping out, you got changed into your prepared outfit. (I'm rushing to finish this wear what you want whether it's pajamas or a 3 piece suit I don't care)

Heading out the front door, you decided to walk, seeing as you would get ready 3 hours before the decided meet up time. You were about half way to the decided meeting spot when you walked past a flower shop, immediately turning around and walking in. You loved how different flowers have different meanings, so you bought a bouquet of lilacs, representing the first feelings of love.

You arrived in the park you decided to meet in 5 minutes early and sat on a wooden bench, the lilacs resting in your lap. Minutes flew by as you sat in thought before you heard the bench creak, signalling someone had sat next to you. Turning to look at them, a blush crept across your cheeks. Nemuri was sat there, looking at you. She was wearing a simple tank top and a pair of jeans, but anything could look ethereal when it's her wearing it.

You slowly raised the flowers from your lap, holding them out to her. As she took them, she took one of your hands and brought it to her lips, placing a gentle kiss on it before pulling you up and leading you through the park after placing the bouquet of flowers in a picnic basket she brought. She started some small talk which soon became a comfortable conversation about your interests. Eventually it was just her listening as you spoke about (something you're passionate about) with her giving some input from time to time.

You both eventually sat down in the middle of a field, your skin soaking up the sunlight as you helped Nemuri set out the blanket and foods. She handed you a bento as she got one out for herself. For a while you both just made some conversation as you ate. At some point, the conversation drifted towards your time in school. "Did you ever have any interesting ideas when it came to you being a hero?", you asked her.

"Yeah, I had quite a few unorthodox ideas. The most interesting of the lot was probably my first hero costume.", she explained.

(Flashback to her time in UA, some spoilers)

"So we're just gonna talk about being on the roof instead of addressing that? What are you even wearing?", sixteen year old Aizawa asked Nemuri. "This is my hero costume! What do you think?", she asked the the three boys. She was wearing a  knee length trench coat with knee high boots, large sunglasses and nothing but support gear pouches covering her private parts. "Is it some high tech material idiots can't see? The queen has no clothes.", Aizawa stated, to which Yamada responded "Ooo, nice self burn!"

"Hooray for being idiots!", the third boy, Shirakumo, yelled with cartoony tears of joy streaming down his face. Nemuri sighed. "You just don't get it.", she told them. "Just watch! In one years time, I'm gonna have all of Japan thinking differently!", she yelled before running off.

(Flashback end)

"A year later, the new regulations were put into place restricting his much skin heroes were allowed to show with their costumes: the hero skin exposure regulation act. The laws changed faster than anyone's minds, that's for sure. Too much, too soon?", she finished, and you could only laugh once she finished. "I just wish I was able to see that.", you told her.

"So you wanna see me basically nude? Already? Say less.", she whispered to you, and instantly it clicked. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. No. That's not what I meant. I'm not saying I don't- I mean- hold on. Fuck.", you started, voice full of embarrassment and dread, before giving up and just falling back onto the grass while covering your face. All you could hear was Nemuri's angelic laughs, until it turned to just straight up cackling.

You sat up as Nemuri finished drinking from a bottle of water. She then looked you dead in the eyes and said "me". You then remembered the last word you said was fuck. You were once again on the floor as Nemuri broke into another fit of laughter. The rest of your time in the park was spent talking, laughing, or embarrassed on the floor. At around 5pm, Nemuri sent you home and told you to change into something fancy for part 2 of the date.

You got home and immediately took a shower, now feeling the blades of grass irritating your ears. You quickly dried your hair and tail before dressing into something more formal (I'm not going into detail, you can wear fancy pajamas if u want). At around 5:30, you opened the door to see the hottest. Thing. Ever.


CLIFFHANGER! Think of the hottest outfit midnight could wear and that's what she'll wear in the next chapter. I'M SO SO SORRY FOR SUCH A WAIT! Anyway, the next book I update will hopefully be the Twice x reader. I'm hoping to end one of these books soon so I can focus on making the other longer. Ok, thank you bye.

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