Chapter 17: Her Place

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Nemuri swung her apartment door open, giggling as you stumbled in behind her. After exerting so much energy with that villain fight, the two of you opted to just go home instead. It had been a while since you had seen her apartment; Nemuri seemed to prefer yours. Your place had more of a monochromatic, modern style with a few personal touches here and there. (You don't care if the worn beanbag doesn't match the style of the lounge, it's perfect for lounging so it stays)

Nemuri's apartment was very different to yours. While your place had window walls and lots of open space, Nemuri had fewer windows and furniture was spread in a way that made the room feel more cluttered. The front door led immediately to the living room, the space between the doorway across from it left empty to serve as a hallway. The living room was lit by lamps and fairy lights, the main light simply used to support the lights dangling from the ceiling. The couches were draped in blankets and pillows, to the extent you could only tell that they were brown. The blankets were knitted with a variety of colours of soft wool, varying in warm colours from tomato red to lime green. The room was lit with a sunflower yellow glow, and the way the fairy lights flickered made them look like fireflies. 

There were various plants in the far corners of the room, and a vine hung from the wall grew long until they grazed the floor. Paintings and pictures were scattered around the walls. The pictures showed different stages of Nemuri's life: her and (who you assumed to be) her parents at a young age, her graduation from UA, and a group picture of her and the other teachers, probably from a year or so ago. The paintings depicted different landscapes ranging from a mountain range to a city skyline. There were also a few abstract portraits made from newspaper snippets put together to make faces or animals. "Fun fact: those newspaper articles are all ones which involve me. I kept them for a while when I started out, until I realised, they just kinda took up space, so I made those!"

"They look so cool!", you gushed, finally done marvelling at the living room. She ushered you through the doorway across the room, to a hallway which went ahead and to the left. She pointed at the two doors down the left hallway. "Those are my room and the guest bedroom, and those rooms that way are the kitchen and bathroom.", moving to point down the other hallway. She took you by the hand and led you down the left hallway, opening the door to your right and ushering you in. "This is my room! You are one of the 3 lucky people I have let into this room, and the other two are Hizashi and Shouta." Her room had a similar aesthetic to the rest of her house. It looked as if it had been taken directly off of Pinterest: polaroid pictures strung over a mirror, a cup holder and book on the windowsill, everything.
"Really? I'd expect you to have more visitors."
"No, I'm not as popular as you'd think. Sorry to disappoint.", she joked. As you sat on her bed, she turned to a small speaker and pressed a few buttons before a song started playing.

She took seat next to you as the music played.

"Right now, I'll steal you when I need you
Come down, at these heights I've become used to
Keep me calm before you're gone"

You simply sat next to her quietly as the song played.

"Strange how, no one's here to listen in this ghost town
They try to keep their distance, but we're calling
How could you ever move on?"

"I can't stop thinking about how you threw that person earlier, y'know. It was so cool! How did you do that?"
You giggled at the shine in her eyes as she looked at you like you were all might saving the day right in front of her.
"I lowered my center of gravity so that there was less force directly in my back, then used their own momentum to throw them over me. I honestly didn't think there was enough strength in my legs to hold on to them and pull myself on top, but I guess it means the extra training has pulled off!"

Nemuri nodded in understanding, averting her eyes for a moment before looking back to you.
"Can you do that to me?"
You were taking aback, your face suddenly burning as the image of you pinning her down flashed through your mind. "What about your downstairs neighbours? I feel like throwing someone wouldn't be a good idea."
"Don't worry, no one owns the apartment downstairs, and my bedroom isn't directly next to someone else's apartment. So there won't be any noise complaints. Even if there are, we can just say things got intense between the sheets-"
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding.", she laughed as you lightly shoved her shoulder. "Now come on! I wanna get thrown!"

You both got up and stood at opposite ends of the room. Luckily Nemuri's bed was in a corner, so the two further walls had space between for her to run and you to throw without someone going head first through a wall. You got into a lower stance as she began to count down.
"3. . . 2. . . 1. . . Go!"

She leapt at you, grabbing your shoulders as the two of you fell back, her staying upright as you immediately bent your knees and pulled her down. You rolled back onto the floor and planted your shins on either side of her hips, pushing your own upwards and sending her over you. Her grip on your shoulders and your hold on her hips pulled you over on top of her, leaving her back on the floor and you straddling her thighs, your hands pinning her wrists to the floor. You both stayed in that position, catching your breaths as you came down from the sudden adrenaline rush.
You sat upright and released her wrists, sitting over her pelvis as she sat upright. Your eyes had been locked with hers since the moment you fell to your back, never leaving hers. She smiled at you.

"You're really hot when you're on top."


I hope you enjoyed! Hopefully you won't have to wait to long for the next update. Speaking of:

Do you want soft top Nemuri next or Y/n top next chapter? Lmk ;)

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