Chapter 14: Girls

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Some of the other pros were staying for advertisement recordings or other interviews, so you decided to stay and chat with them a bit longer. It was wonderful to be talking to such inspirational pro heroes outside of work. Not only because of them as heroes, but also because it was such a surreal experience to be seeing them in civilian attire.

Mirko wore a black bomber over a white crop top patterned with comic-style 'BAM's and 'POW's. She had her hands in the pockets of her cargo pants while chatting with Ms Joke. She was wearing an all-might shirt and jean shorts, her iconic orange bandana tied on her head. The wild wild pussycats were laughing with Mt Lady. Mount lady was wearing a white tank top with a deep V-neck and light blue skinny jeans. Pixie bob was wearing a floral summer dress with a denim jacket decorated with floral embroidery. Mandalay had a sleeveless coral turtleneck and mom jeans, her hero outfit's cat ears comfortable on her head. Every single one of them was beautiful, but Nemuri would always look the best in your eyes.

Nemuri was wearing a black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. Her charcoal grey jeans definitely did her toned thighs justice, and her red stilettos perfectly matched her red sunglasses which rested on the bridge of her nose. Her midnight locks were open and wild down her back, and the smell of her fragrant shampoo was noticeable from where you stood next to her. It took wat too much will power to stop yourself from clinging to her that very moment.

You stood with them and joined their conversation where suitable, tail swaying lightly behind you. Ms Joke was laughing at one of Mirko's jokes when you heard yelling. Your ear twitched and you turned towards the noise. The yelling was coming from a room with a closed door on the other side of the studio, so it's understandable the others couldn't hear it. You made your way towards the sound, unnoticed by the group. The voices were muffled, but it was clear the yelling was one-sided and the other involved was trying to diffuse the situation. You leant against the doorframe and listened in.

"-thing, you knew exactly what you were doing! I saw the look you gave me! I've been working here for nearly 20 years, I will not be disrespected by some new whore who slept her way into a job!"
"Sir I didn't intend to offend you in any way, I hadn't realised-"
"Hadn't realised what? Come on you brainless bitch, finish a god damn sentence!"
"I'm so sorry-"
You were already on the verge of swinging the door open and giving them a piece of your mind, but then you heard it. 

Smack! Thud!

You saw red. You kicked the door open, revealing Arthur red in the face and Megan on the floor, her hair blocking the view of her face, but the way she held her face and curled in on herself said all you needed to hear. You grabbed Arthur by the ear and began dragging him into the middle of the studio. He kicked and yelled, crying for security. But one look to any guard who approached you froze them in place. Some of them even turned around entirely and walked away. You stuck a foot out to your side and gave Arthur one final tug, ripping out a few strands of his hair and sending him toppling to the floor. A crowd of crew members formed, and the other pro heroes approached the commotion.

"Who do you think you are?! I'm the-"
"I'm a pro hero, and you are a coward.", you cut him off, absolutely seething. His face was as red as a tomato. Mandalay approached, confusion clear on her face. Before she could ask anything, you told her, "Go to dressing room 3, make sure Megan's ok." She rushed off immediately. Arthur was infuriated, stumbling over his words whenever he tried to speak. 
"Strike one was the look you gave me and the heroes before the interview. I saw you look all of us up and down, you aren't subtle."
"I-" You didn't let him speak.
"Strike two was the comments during the interview. You wanna say something to us, say it instead of grumbling into your double-chin." Ms Joke almost laughed, but held her composure and kept professional.
"Would you like to tell everyone what strike 3 was?", you asked him, leaning down with your hands on your knees and speaking to him as if you were talking to a three-year-old. 

He made no move to speak.

"Go on, jerk, tell everyone what you did. You seemed so confident with your opinion behind closed doors.", you chided. He glared at you and stood up, puffing his chest out and trying to use his half an inch advantage to intimidate you. "Now listen here girl-"

You smacked him. Hard. You his him with enough force to make your wrist hurt and send his ass tumbling to the floor. He cradled his face the same way Megan had, and you swear you heard him sniff, as if about to cry. "Not fun being on the receiving end, is it, mister Better-than-everyone?", you taunted, massaging your wrist. You looked toward the dressing room to see Mandalay there with Megan, who had a bright red mark which had already began to bruise. 
"You okay, Megan?", you asked. She nodded, a smile on her face. 
"Can I give a few words?", she asked. You stepped aside as she approached and let her take the floor.

"Sir, I spent years working my way to this point, not unlike you did. I thought ignoring the insults would get you to stop, but your ego saw it as a challenge. I thought putting up with your random touches would make it easier to just get on with my work, but it didn't. I tried everything I could to get rid of whatever bad blood was between us, but you were too proud to accept the fact times have changed and there's a woman with the same rights as you. It's sad, really, how far up your ass your head must be. Comments like that on air, to pro heroes, as if you're above the law. I'm sick of it."

Megan smiled. "I have a year's worth of evidence of your misconduct towards me and other staff members. Voice recordings, screenshots of messages, videos, all of it. I'll be taking it all to the higher ups, so I hope your bigotry was worth your job." With that, Megan turned and left, hopefully to get an icepack for her face. That bruise looked painful. With that in mind, you gave Arthur a kick in the shin, sabotaging his attempt to stand up. He groaned in pain, and that made it even better.

Mirko and Mt Lady dragged Arthur to his feet and walked him away. As the adrenaline died down, you noticed the crowd of staff still looking at you. "Uhh... Sorry for the commotion. You can get back to whatever you doing." The crowd was silent.
"Yes! Karma!", someone cheered. Turning, you saw it was the make-up artist covered in colour. He ran over to you. "Thank you for doing something about him, he was such an ass! You're definitely my new favourite hero, sorry Midnight.", they added on, looking to Nemuri next to you. 

"Don't worry about it, Mx, she's my favourite hero too.", she responded, putting an arm around your shoulder.

All in all, the interview was fun and you hoped to see Megan again in the future.

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