Chapter 19: Search and Rescue

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"Alright 1-A! Today's lesson will be search and rescue training!"
The hero course students were lined up quietly, awaiting All-Might's instructions. Each student held a folded piece of paper which they were instructed to keep folded until given further instructions.
"You'll all be separated into groups of four, five groups total! Your mission will be to run into this building and rescue 3 civilians! However, it won't be as easy as you think! Here is your situation:"
All Might pulled a card from his notes, scanning over it quickly before hiding it away again amongst his other sheets. "There is an explosion caused by a gas leak! The flames are difficult to keep under control, and the firefighters are unsure if there will be another explosion! You have been given a five minute time limit to find and rescue the civilians! But be warned, the situation is tense, and fear makes rescue missions a lot harder!"

The students eyed the 6-story building behind their heroic teacher, noticing a distinct lack of flames. "Sir, where's the fire though?", Kaminari asked with his hand raised.
"You'll see, young Kaminari! Now!", All Might clapped his hands, his clipboard clattering on the floor. "Here are the rules! No communication of any kind with classmates until you're up! When I say, look at your piece of paper and see what team number you are! Do not show your paper to your peers! In a real situation, you won't be fortunate enough to know who else will be there as the first responders!"
The students looked around at their classmates before looking back to their teacher.

"Now, check your paper!"
The students unfolded their papers, each showing a number between one and five.
"Team 1, go!"

Before the students could react, a wave of heat and a ear-splitting 'BANG' shot out from the building. The previously intact building now had smoke billowing from broken windows and flames dancing inside. Sirens rang out a scream was heard inside the building. Four students shot out from the crowd and ran to the entrance of the building, their paper discarded on the floor: Midoriya, Shoji, Tsuyu and Koda. Shoji was the first to speak, ears and eyes shooting out from every digit and accessing the building. "The scream came from the 4th floor, a room on the left. Two of us should head straight there while the other two keep searching the building."
"Tsuyu, come with me! We can scale the building and enter through that window!", Midoriya commanded, pointing to the 4th floor window with no signs of fire and minimal smoke. Tsu saluted him and began scaling the building, hopping up and climbing a drain pipe.

Midoriya took a few steps back and ran at the building, leaping up to the 2nd floor with a powerful leap before running up the wall and latching onto the window sill. Koda forced the front door open and entered the building, Shoji following behind him. Midoriya heaved himself through the open window, offering a hand to Tsuyu when she climbed through. The two of them began throwing doors open and calling out, struggling through the smoke and heat. "Over here!", a woman's voice called out from apartment number 406, halfway down the hallway. The duo immediately ran over and through the door open, immediately stepping back upon seeing a shimmery lavender mist pouring out of the bedroom. "It's Midnight sensei!"
"Ma'am, are you able to deactivate your quirk?", Midoriya called out, entering the main room and opening the closed windows. "I-I can't! I'm so sorry! I don't know what to do!", Midnight yelled back, visible through the mist in the far corner of the room. "Miss, wrap a blanket around yourself tightly, and crawl towards the door, please! Can you do that?", Tsuyu asked, voice level and soothing despite the increased volume.

"I think... I think so!", she yelled back. The students watched Midnight wrap a blanket around her arms and tie it around her torso. They immediately helped her to her feet once they were out of the room, avoiding the tendrils of mist still surrounding her. "Thank you so much, I'm sorry, I'm-"
"There's no need to apologise, Ma'am. You're in a scary situation, but we'll get you out of here. I promise. Do you know if anyone else is still in the building?", Tsuyu asked. Midoriya was in awe of how easily Tsu could soothe people, and hoped to soon be capable of the same thing.
"I'm not sure, but there are a few people who live on the top floor? One of them doesn't seem to leave his apartment often. Can you see if he's ok? Please?"
"Of course, miss. We're here to save you, so no one is getting left behind.", Midoriya declared. They led Midnight out of the apartment and towards the stairs, beginning their descent. On the 3rd floor, the two students reconvened with their teammates. "No one else on the bottom 4 floors. The other civilians must still be on the top 2 floors."

Midoriya looked to Tsuyu, who didn't seem to be in the best condition. She was far better suited to water, but still holding strong in difficult surroundings. "Tsu, you take this civilian downstairs and escort her out. Come back and help if you think we have time, but stay with her and comfort her if you think you won't be able to. We can handle it if you need to step back and help Midnight sensei."
Tsuyu meekly nodded and took midnight by the hand, leading her further down the stairs. The other 3 students returned to their ascension of the building.

The 5th floor was uninhabited, so they trio ran up to the 6th floor. They began to search the top floor before a shockwave of noise shook the walls and burst their ear drums. "MY CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!" Present Mic continued to scream as the students approached him through smoke. "Sir, we'll find your cat! Please stop yelling!", Midoriya tried to reason with the "civilian".
"dON'T TELL ME TO STOP YELLING! MY POOR KITTY IS IN DANGER! WHAT KIND OF HEROES ARE YOU?", the teacher continued to scream, rendering Midoriya's words useless. Present Mic gasped loudly as Shoji picked him up and tossed him over his shoulder in a fireman's hold. "I'll get him out! You go find his cat!"
"OI! YOU PUT ME DOWN RIGHT THIS INSTANT! WHAT A WASTE FO TAXPAYER'S MONEY ON SUCH ROUGH INDIVIDUALS! I'LL BE TALKING TO YOUR SUPERIORS AFTer thisssss!" The teacher continued to yell as Shoji carried him down the stairs. "Poor Shoji.", Koda muttered, worried for his classmate's ears.

The duo continued searching until they reached the last room, when they heard a yowl. Upon opening the door, a thick plume of smoke tumbled through the door and clouded the students' vision. They continued to push forward, crawling along the floor to avoid the thick ash and they approached the bedroom. Sat on the singed bed, wrestling a pillow, was a British shorthair cat. When Midoriya approached the feline, it hissed and lashed out at him, scratching at his gloved hands. He jumped back, looking to Koda for help. Koda crawled forward slowly, whispering to the cat. "Hello there, miss? Or sir? Do you prefer mx?"
"Ok, Mx. It isn't safe here, will you allow us to help you get out of here?"
"Yes, we can bring the pillow if you want us to."

The cat stepped forward, finally allowing Midoriya to pick them up while Koda picked up and dusted off the tasselled pillow. The two began their descent until they reached the 3rd floor. The stairs leading lower were completely engulfed in flames. "Midoriya, we don't have much time left!"
"This way!", Midoriya called out, running to the windows facing out onto the street where his classmates stood watching. With a single kick, the glass window shattered. Midoriya held the cat close to his chest as he approached the window. "Shoji! Get ready to catch Koda!"
"Got it!", Shoji shouted back, outstretching his limbs as high as he could.
"Koda, go!", Midoriya yelled. Said teammate seemed hesitant, but stepped towards the window. He stepped out and hung from the window frame, having tossed down the pillow to be caught by Tsuyu. After a deep breath, Koda let go and was caught immediately. He was set down safely on the floor, and finally allowed himself to release the air he confined to his lungs.

"Midoriya, come on!"
Midoriya stepped out the window, crouched in the window frame with the cat held tightly.
"Hold on, Mx!" Midoriya hopped down from the frame, grabbing a drainpipe and sliding down.

All Might stopped his timer.

"With 1.73 seconds left, Midoriya's team has passed their exam!"
"We did it!" Tsu cheered, tossing the pillow in the air before catching it.
"Woo! It was so fun embracing my inner Karen! Sorry, Shoji!", Present mic apologised. The student hesitated, but did forgive him.

"All right! This way, students! Team 2, prepare yourselves!"

Restless: A MHA midnight x Fem!readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora