Chapter 3: Teaching experience

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(Even though Midnight is an R rated hero, why is there no fanfic? It's like she is acknowledged, but nothing further than that)

The students watched as you suddenly vanished, leaving a pile of clothes on the floor. They all were silent as they saw the clothes move slightly before a small (h/c) cat with a bell on a (f/c) collar around its neck. You dragged your clothes to the side, out of the way before returning to the combat platform.

Some of the girls cooed at you and you couldn't blame them; you were a little fluffy cat, after all. Vlad King started stretching, Aizawa put in some eye drops, and Midnight pulled out a long, very dark purple whip, cracking it on the floor. As you all got into your fighting stances, the countdown began.
"3. . . 2. . . 1. . . Start!"

Aizawa's capture weapon shot out towards Midnight, but she used her whip to deflect it, catching it and wrapping it around her spare hand. Using this opening, you leapt up onto the capture weapon and ran across it, dodging when Vlad sent his blood to try and restrain you. Aizawa's eyes glowed an ominous red as his quirk activated and you suddenly shifted back into a person, but you used the momentum to leap over him before you started hand to hand combat, Midnight running towards Vlad.

The moment you saw Aizawa blink, you yanked his capture weapon over his head and got behind him before wrapping the weapon over his eyes and tying his hands behind his back. Midnight peered over and saw Aizawa sit cross legged on the floor having been rendered immobile. She got distracted from her own fight and yelled to you, "Hey kitty, I see you're into bondage!"

You turned to see her get trapped by Vlad's blood, so you took the chance to get behind him before shifting into a Siberian tiger and pouncing onto him, holding him down (Siberian tigers weigh on average 700lbs or 317.5kg). Vlad was about to redirect his blood to you, but before he could, a purple Mist slowly wafted over his face. He tried holding his breath while using his quirk, but eventually he gave in and was rendered unconscious by Midnight's Mist.

You and Midnight had won.

You unshifted, leaving you with round amber ears and a thick striped tail swaying slightly as you went to untie Aizawa. As you finished, Midnight yelled "So, is it my turn to get tied up now?" You deadpanned and marched over to her but as you reached her, she pulled your wrist and pushed you to the ground, her on top of you.

Why on earth is she constantly doing this? You thought to yourself. Her hands were either side of your face, your hands next to them. She had one knee between your legs and her breasts were pushing down on yours, limiting how close she can get to you. There was practically nothing between you since both of you had skin tight hero outfits, leaving nothing to the imagination. You could feel her breath on your face, hear her heartbeat, and see the lust clouding her eyes as they stared into your wide eyes.

The more respectful students looked away from your little predicament and tried to get the...more interested ones to look away. One in particular, we all know who, had drool flowing out the mouth like a waterfall and got out his phone to take pictures, but his attempts were foiled when a capture scarf obscured his vision and his phone was confiscated.

"Come on! Look at them! They're like 10 theconds from making out!" He complained, but his plea fell on deaf ears and he was dragged away. Midnight looked deep into your eyes before seductively asking "Well since we were given the suggestion, is kitty gonna give me a kiss?" You immediately got out from under her and turned into a little white cat, trembling from the surprise and fear of going further. Once again, the girls cooed at a cute little cat while midnight lay on her side with her head propped up with her hand and blew a kiss at you.

You went back into your pile of clothes and shifted back with your outfit on, a quick trick you learned to make it easier than shifting back and putting it back on. You walked back to the class and stood in front of the platform, Vlad King between you and Midnight to help get rid of awkwardness between you two.

The students were paired and the matches started. Each pair was put together based on skills and opinions, so they could improve technique and communication. There were a few arguments caused by lack of communication, most of which coming from the pair of Monoma and Bakugo, however they did not lose a single match except for their first. After the matches, nobody had to be sent to recovery girl, so that was a win.

"Ok," Vlad King announced, "here are the top three pairs. First is Neito Monoma and Katsuki Bakugo for working together to succeed, we expected you to fight each other. Well done." Bakugo nodded in confirmation and Monoma looked so grateful for the praise, but then started a rant about 1A. Everyone dead panned when Kendo knocked him out and apologized.

"Next is Eijiro Kirishima and Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu." Vlad said. The two boys cheered and fist bumbed.
"You two had great communication and were ready to support your ally at a moment's notice. Well done."
Both boys got praise from their classes before everyone waited for the final team.

"Finally, Shiozaki Ibara and Izuku Midoriya." Ibara smiled and Midoriya flinched when his friends congratulated him.
"You two communicated well despite not really knowing each other and were willing to change your offensive fighting style for defensive to assist your partner. Well done!"

The students were sent to change back and you followed Midnight to the teachers lounge. "The students will be going straight to their dorms after changing, so we just need to finish up before heading to the teacher housing. They're still building yours right now, so you can either go home. . . or stay the night with me~." she said, licking her lips.

You went home. You didn't want to have a heart attack. No thanks.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed, check out my other books if you want, etc, etc.

Restless: A MHA midnight x Fem!readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon