Chapter 15: Girlfriend stuff

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(I'm not 6 minutes late shut up-)

The streets of the city were already illuminated by neon store lights and florescent lamp posts by the time the two of you disembarked the train. The cold air was a welcome feel after the crowded humidity of the train carriage. The close proximity to people you didn't know also wasn't ideal. So the open pavement and cold breeze was perfect. Yes, you were about to be virtually surrounded once again as you merged into the crowd of pedestrians, but that didn't stop you cherishing every second of space.

Nemuri nudged you with her shoulder as she walked past you, looking back over her shoulder at you when she did. "C'mon, the best date you've ever had awaits you!", she declared, pointing forward as she began walking again.
"Nemuri, this is my 2nd ever date.", you sighed light-heartedly, speeding up a little to return to her side as you walked down the street. "Exactly! The first is always crucial, because it sets the bar and paves way for even better dates. Our first date was incredible, so this one will undoubtably be better!", she explained excitedly. You nodded as she explained, content in listening to her talk rather than contributing. "So what's your plan for our best date ever?"

"Well, first we're starting with food. There's this lovely Korean barbeque place with great atmosphere and a quieter section for pro heroes to eat without being bombarded by people. We eat there, maybe have a drink or two in preparation for the rest of the night.", she joked before continuing, "And then there's a band I thought you'd like performing live at a club. We can spend time there dancing and enjoying the music. If the fun isn't over yet, there's a karaoke bar a block down from it to continue having some fun!"

The date definitely sounded like it would be a lot of fun, and you were glad to be wearing something you deemed fitting for the activities. (If you consider pyjamas fitting clothing, it's completely up to you)

A variety of neon lights and vibrant signs lined the walls of the buildings. Some had large windows on the front wall to show inside, and others had decorative graffiti. Some had products on display in every inch of the front window, while others just showed the inside of the illuminated shops. Your ears twitched infrequently as you heard something new: music from the cracked open door of a club, chatter in a jewellery shop, laughter and conversation in a restaurant, and many more. You could faintly smell perfume drifting from a cosmetics store, grateful to be so far away from the shop. Even from across the street it felt as if the pungent samples were right under your nose.

One shop had fake vines around the front door and window, and the open door allowed you to hear the people enjoying themselves and smell the food inside. The sign above revealed it to be a Korean Barbeque restaurant, so you weren't completely caught off guard when Nemuri began pulling you excitedly towards the entrance. The warmth inside washed over you like a wave as you stepped through the door. All you could think about was how excited she looked and how animatedly she talked about her past experiences here, to the point you only realised you were sat down in a corner of the room when the grill hissed to life.

"In this restaurant, you order the ingredients and grill them yourself! I placed an order of starters when I reserved the table, if that's ok. The meat is halal and there are plenty of vegetarian options if you'd prefer that over meat.", she explained, placing a few more pieces of marinated meat on the grill. You thanked her and watched as she grilled the pieces you requested alongside her own. "They may be a little overdone, but don't judge my grilling skills, ok?", she whined jokingly. You giggled and took a bite of your starter. The marinade was perfectly balanced and the seasonings didn't overwhelm the taste. "I want our next date to be here. The food is incredible.", you concluded as you finished the first bite.
"I was thinking the same thing.", Nemuri agreed as she took another bite of her chicken.

The two of you took turns grilling, the two of you deciding on skewers for the main course. You grilled some vegetables on the side while Nemuri made a show of grilling the skewers, narrating as if she was in a cooking show. She was clearly making up some words (you have no clue what it means to flatiserate something) but you let her have her fun. The food was delicious and conversation continued between bites.

"So, were you athletic as a child?"
"No, absolutely not.", Nemuri answered immediately.
"Then where did the body of a goddess come from?", you asked in a jokingly frustrated tone.
"When I was really young, I played video games. The physique came from a high metabolism at first. I was kind of skinny, but not really in shape. I then started a proper workout and day-to-day routine in my last year of middle school so I could get into UA. I've only missed a few days of the routine here and there since then. That was usually because I was ill, but sometimes it was a lack of motivation to do anything. I'm happy I've kept it up, though. I can honestly say I feel great."
"Damn, I envy that."
"No, don't feel bad.", Nemuri whined, dragging you into a hug.

Before you knew it, the meal was long gone. "So, you got room for dessert?"
You went to answer, but were interrupted by a crash outside. Everyone in the restaurant turned to the window, whispering or stepping closer to investigate. You and Nemuri jumped out of your seats, Nemuri muttering "We'll take a rain check." as the two of you approached the window.
You took a second to check your surroundings. There were 20 to 30 civilians behind the two of you, you couldn't hear anything outside, there was a faint glow to the right, the source not in viewing range of the window, and you could smell smoke. "There's a fire and there was an explosion. maybe a gas leak, maybe not."
"Got it. Let's go." Nemuri turned to address the civilians. "For the time being, stay inside. If we tell you to exit the building, please do so in an orderly fashion. Panicking slows things down and may put you at risk. Thank you." She then turned and followed you out the building.

Not far down the road, the top floor of an office building had smoke billowing from the broken windows, a bright yellow glow submerged in the clouds of soot. It was around 7pm, so the majority of people must have already left work. Several people ran out the front doors, all civilians. You ran over to the group while Nemuri stayed a few steps behind you to continue surveying your surroundings.
"Is anyone still inside and is anyone injured?", you asked the group. some of them had soot on their clothes and faces, while others looked much cleaner.
"No, we all got out ok.", a man with glasses responded. "Some of us were on the top floor after a meeting when the explosion happened. We rounded up everyone else in the building as we came down the stairs. Thank god we weren't in the room that blew up. The fire wasn't that bad when we were up there, so none of us are injured. Just a little shaken up, I suppose."

"You'll be ok. Some ambulances should be showing up within the next fifteen minutes. They can provide you further help. For the time being, stay away from the building." They followed your instructions immediately, rushing past you to get further away from the burning building. It was then you saw someone leave the building. Had someone been left behind? No, that thought immediately left your mind when you saw the gauntlets on their hands and heard their cackle when they left the building. Nemuri stood by your side, slipping her jacket off her shoulders and rolling her shoulders. The villain came to a stop ten feet from the two of you.

"You better have a good reason for interrupting my fun.", they threatened, glaring at you.

"You better have a good reason for interrupting our date night, then."

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