Chapter 10: Reassuring

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(2nd person POV)

The next morning, you awoke to a beautiful view of Nemuri's cleavage from where your head rested on her shoulder. Nemuri's one hand was playing with your (h/l) hair, while the other was entwined with yours and resting on her stomach. "Good morning, kitty.", she whispered into your ear, sending a satisfying shudder up your spine. Her morning voice was deep and sexy, and your ears craved more.

However, it would have to wait. At that moment, your phone began vibrating on the nightstand. But, you didn't remember bringing your phone to the bedroom. Your questions were answered when Nemuri reached over, unintentionally pushing her buoyant breasts into your face (you couldn't complain), and picked up a phone with a case that looked different to yours. It was her phone.

The time on the lock screen read 6:32am, hopefully enough time to prepare and get to Yuuei. You shimmied out the right side of the bed as she crawled out the left. You were about to stand, but hesitated as Nemuri walked 'round the bed to the connected bathroom (butt-ass naked. Sorry I'll leave) completely nude. The morning had only just begun and already you hoped it would never end.

You both went through your normal morning routines, Nemuri borrowing an unused toothbrush, and got dressed. You had no clue wear Nemuri was hiding her hero costume since you didn't see her carrying anything to hold it, but she insisted she was just super sneaky (and using the power of fanfic logic). When she said you should to, you simply shrugged and did as she said.

Nothing of interest happened up to the two of you reaching school. The most action that happened was you almost getting caught staring at Nemuri. I mean, who could blame you? She had a body hand carved by the gods and eyes you would happily stare at for hours.

Upon reaching the main building, Nemuri walked you to the teacher's lounge, then went on her way, explaining she had some errands to run before lessons began. You thought nothing of it, and began reviewing lesson plans at 7:20am. 20 minutes past. There was no sign of Nemuri. Assuming she had multiple things to do, you thought nothing of it. Another 40 pass, and she still hasn't arrived. At this point, it's a little odd, but you assume you're fussing over nothing. She's been a teacher much longer than you, so of course she must have important work.

Another hour.

At this point, it's confusing. You were certain neither of you were teaching first period, so why hadn't she returned? You had multiple thoughts. Maybe she was covering a class? But then why wouldn't she tell you?

Your thoughts stopped in their tracks and took a turn.

Why would she have to tell you? So what if you did the "devil's tango"? She wasn't required to tell you every meaningless thing. She wasn't your girlfriend-

Wait. Was she? Neither of you had addressed it. Did she like you that way, or did she see what the two of you had as more of a "friends with benefits" thing?

Did you even want to date her? It was so soon. You'd only known each other for about a week, and only went out on one date. That seemed a bit sudden.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when the lounge door slid open. You jumped slightly in your seat, but immediately let out a sigh of relief upon seeing it was just Eraserhead. Well, you couldn't really see him as he crawled through the doorway in his yellow cocoon, but who else would do that? No other teacher you knew of. You attempted multiple times to go back to planning presentations or checking lesson plans, key word being 'attempted'. Unfortunately, your brain was everywhere except in your work.
"Ok, what's on your mind?"
This time, you did leap out of your seat. You clutched your chest over your heart and steadied yourself on your desk, trying to catch your breath. You hadn't expected Aizawa to speak. Hell, you'd forgotten he was in the room!
"I knew something was off. I've worked with you on missions before, and not once have you been startled like that. Your focus is prevented by something else.", Aizawa expertly concluded. The look of surprise and confusion on your face made him deadpan.
"My quirk depends on my eyes, I'm not blind."

You quietly sat back in your chair, head low and your hands on your lap, as if you were a child who had been scolded. You didn't hear him unzip his sleeping bag, maybe he wiggled out the top like it was an actual cocoon, but suddenly Aizawa was stood by your side, a hand on your head.
"You gonna tell me what's wrong? Did Kayama do something?", he questioned, and you couldn't keep it bottled up.

You began pouring out all Nemuri-related problems that were clouding your thoughts. Words kept tumbling out, and Aizawa was silently listening. By the end of it, you were apologising for the word vomit and several tears, but still he was silent. Then, he finally spoke.
"While I don't know much about your relationship, I can tell you this much. When Kayama doesn't care, when it's just for a bit of fun, the first date is always to a bar or club, no where else. If they do hook-up, Nemuri does not stay in the morning. She never does. What I've gotten from this is you went on a park date together and she stayed the night. You aren't a one-night-stand to her, (Y/n). She does care. That, I can promise you."

If you weren't crying before, you were now. Your shoulders shook with each hiccup and sob, but throughout your tearful moment, Aizawa's hand stayed on your head, his thumb softly rubbing behind your fluffy (h/c) ear. One hand had never brought you so much comfort. As the tears dried, present mic barged into the room and struck up conversation, even joking Aizawa would adopt you because of how much he likes cats. Aizawa, in an attempt to defend his dignity... didn't really do anything. He just gave Mic the middle finger, slipped back into his sleeping bag, and promptly passed out.

Then Nemuri entered the room, and you couldn't help but grin.

Restless: A MHA midnight x Fem!readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora