Chapter 22

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Eve's POV
After swimming for a hour or a little more we decided to get out and dry off and go back to our room. We both got in bed and right as I was about asleep I heard Mal, "Eve?" "Yeah?", I said sleepily as I rolled over to face her. "Eve, I want your honest truth and opinion. Why did we leave in the first place and do you think leaving the boys was the best option and do you hope that they will look for us and will our lives ever be normal again?", she asked with a deep breathe at the end. "Well first off...", I said with a big sigh. "Jackson and Payton wasn't really telling the truth or at least the big truth." "What do you mean?", she interrupted me. "Well I've picked up that something about Jackson's dad isn't right and I say Payton's family is in on it too." "Well how do you know?", she asked scooting closer to the side of the bed. "Well I've been paying attention to Jackson's emails and texts and they all like mention creatures really unknown or unique creatures to this world, like Hybrids and Trybrids." "So you think he is hinting to his dad and now his dad and Payton's are trying to hunt you down?" "Yes exactly. And you never know you could be something too and I could never live with myself if I knew something and never told you and then something happens to you." "Yeah but I don't think they would do that to us.", she stated. "Well maybe not but I wanna get us far far away from that family." "But what about tour?" "Well there coming back to Huston, Texas in a couple days so we might rejoin the tour, plus Jackson and Payton should be gone cause Cali was gonna be their last meet and greet."

Then it went silent for a few moments so I flipped back over facing the window of our room to hear Mal's soft snores. I was about to fall asleep when I heard a commotion outside, even though we were on the fourth floor I could still hear it. So I sat up quickly but quietly making sure not to wake Mal. To make sure I didn't wake her up I slipped on my white Vans and tip toed to the door and closed it silently behind me.

Once I made sure the door was shut I speeded thru the hotel to the main floor, pool area, but I stopped suddenly when I got to the door to find 3 people in all black searching the pool area for signs of something. I stood there for a few minutes observing them, but as they started walking towards the door I turned and was about to run off to grab Mal and our things but as soon as I turned I was grabbed around the waist and mouth and jerked back into the workout room. "Shhhhh...", was all I heard as the 3 people walked out of the room and down the hallway to the front desk.

As soon as I lost sight of them the mystery person let me up and I turned around to find "Dillon!?" "Shhhhh... we are trying not to be spotted.", he whispered as he checked out the area around us to make sure it was safe to leave. "What are you doing here?", I whispered. "I heard you were in trouble and Mal is about to be so I got here as soon as possible." "Wait how'd you know we was in trouble?" "That's a long story that I'll explain later, but right now we need to get Mal and get out of here." "Right. Well she is on the fourth floor, second room on the right.", I said about to leave the room but was jerked back to face him. "No you stay here, I'll go get her." "But I have powers and my stuffs up there.", I whisper yelled. "You really think you were the only one born with powers?", he said with a smirk as he speeded out the door. Well I was not expecting that I thought with a sigh as I sat on the treadmill.

I sat there for a good 2 minutes when I heard a group of people running down the hallway in my direction. Crap! I yelled in my head. I crawled over to the window to find not just the 3 soldier people but this time there was 8. I crawled as fast as I could over to the seat behind the bikes, and hid behind them as they unlocked the room and started coming in. "She has got to be in one of these rooms somewhere.", I heard one of them whisper to the over ones. I looked kinda over the chair wanting to find Dillon and Mal coming down the hallway, but they weren't. "THERE!", I heard someone yell as a bullet flew past my head. "SHIT I MISSED!" "SOMEONE GET HER!" I realized I couldn't stay here so I threw the chair at the shooter and the bike at another one, as bullets flew past me. I bolted past them to the exit but right as I exited the door one was apparently waiting outside. "Going somewhere?", the women said. I recognized her from the other day. Crap they found me, I thought as she shoot me twice in the stomach except this time they burned more than before. "Aghhhhh!", I screamed in pain as I grabbed my stomach and fell to my knees. "Thought you could get away from from this, aye.", the women said as she squatted beside me on the ground. "No... I just thought you would be dead already.", I said real angrily as I stood up and she backed off. "Yeah that bite mark isn't looking any better is it." I said sarcastically which made her mad so she bolted at me. "No you don't!", I heard someone yell to my right as they dove in front of me and took that women through the gym window.

"Eve come on!", I heard Mal yell as she came and helped me to the car outside. "Wait what about Dillon?" I asked as she got in the driver side. "He will be fine, but right now we need to run.", she said backing the car up in full speed. "Shit!", I heard Mal say as I looked up to find us surrounded by all black vehicles. "What do we do now?!", she yelled at me. "Give them what they want.", I whispered. "! Eve your not going out there you'll die!" "No I won't. I got this.", I said as I opened the door and cripply walked to the front of the car.

"SO IS THIS ALL YOU GOT!", I screamed at the vehicles as I looked at everyone of them. When I turned to my right I saw that women and her team step out of the building, dragging Dillons body behind one of them. "Dillon!", I heard Mal scream as she got out of the car but I caught her as she ran around the front. "NO DILLON!?", she screamed in pain as I held her but pushed her back behind me. "What are you gonna do now little hybrid!", the woman screamed at me.

I didn't even know what I was doing but she called me a hybrid, omg wait she doesn't know yet. I thought as I realized she doesn't know I'm a witch and it's time to show her who is boss around here. "Resistus maledi.", I kept chanting as I rose my hand up to face all of them until I was screaming it. "What is she doing?", they all started questioning until they all froze and couldn't move. Then I yelled it one last time making all there bodies and cars slam to the ground, killing all them besides Dillon and the woman.

"DILLON!", Mal screamed snapping me back to reality. She ran past me grabbing him and pulling him to the car and putting him in the backseat as I jumped in the driver seat and attended to my wounds. "Do I need to drive?", she ask coming around from the back seat. "No let's just get out of here now.", I said putting the car in drive and speeding away from that place. "We need to take him to a hospital now.", Mal said from the back. "Yeah I'm going, but we are going to have to leave him there and keep moving." "What no?!" "Mal listen to me, it's safer for him and us.", I said as she silently started to cry in the back seat.

When we got to the hospital the doctors rushed out to attend to Dillon as I tried to cover my wounds hoping they wouldn't notice. We followed them all the way until they took him into the room to be operated on. While they were operating I just stood there and stared in the window on the verge of tears. "Here.", I heard someone say to my right as they handed me clothes. "Thanks.", I said looking up to find Mal walking away from me to sit in the chair by his room. "Hey I'll be right back.", I whispered to her as I went to find a private bathroom.

Once I found a bathroom I changed real fast and threw my clothes into the big trash bin sitting by the door. After I did that I started grabbing a few things outta my bag to fix myself up a little nicer and hide the burn like marks on my face. But as I was grabbing my powder when my phone fell out to show a picture of me and Jackson on the beach together for my lockscreen. I guess I haven't really paid attention to my phone since we left. Maybe I should give him a call, you know just to check on him and let him know me and Mal are fine. I thought as I slid down the bathroom door and found his contact. And before I knew it the phone was ringing and I was on the verge of tears.
•1710 words•
We gonna try and get back into this✨🤍

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