Chapter 5

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Eve's POV
So this first meet and greet day has been the weirdest ever but now we are loading the bus to head to North Carolina. And by weird I mean like Jackson and Payton have been hanging around me more. Mal has been distant as ever. And Jaden has ignored me for two days straight. Like after breakfast yesterday and I ran off with Mal, he just stopped talking to me and wanting to be around me.

"Eve! Eve!", Jackson said shaking me. "Yeah!", I spit out as he shook me back to existence. "Are you good?" "Yeah... I think?", I said as I started climbing on the bus after putting my luggage in the lower part of the bus. "Here then sit down.", Jackson said as he helped me to the couch in the back of the bus. "Thanks Jackson but I don't think sitting will help anything." "What do you mean?", he states, taking a seat next to me.  "Hey guys what you talking about?", Mal said taking a seat in front of me beside Josh. I was scared to say anything around Josh because I barely knew him and trust me I would tell Mal but not in front of anyone. So I just turned and looked at Jackson with a certain look. "Nothing important just talking about North Carolina and the awesome meet and greet we are gonna have.", Jackson said to save me from talking and explaining myself. "Ok just wondering.", she said turning back around to face the front and to talk to Josh.

I don't know what's been with her lately but ever since the Sam thing yesterday she has kinda been acting like a real jerk to me. Like she wouldn't let me help her in the bathroom when I knew she might have actually hurt herself. And then this morning she woke up really early and got ready with extra, extra makeup, including mine and stayed in the bathroom for literal hours. She stayed in there so long I just went to Jackson's room to get ready. And lately she has been wearing long sleeves so that's what scares me but I don't dare say anything cause then she would just do it more.

"Eve are you sure your good?", Jackson asks concerned. "Yeah I'm fine...I...just need you to be here for me please.", and with that I started silently crying so Mal and Josh wouldn't hear. "Oh Eve.", Jackson said as he scooted over  and put an arm around me. "Look it's gonna be ok. I'm here.", he says as he moves my hair away from my neck and stares deeply at it. I was actually starting to calm down until I felt Jackson's cold stare and when I turned I saw him start leaning in closed but he wasn't aiming at my face he was aiming lower. And his eyes started to or it looked like they were changing colors. "Jackson?", I said confused as I grabbed and yanked his hand away from me. "Oh sorry...I... I need to go do something I'll be back.", he says in kind of a hurry as he ran to the front of the bus where Payton was.

Man that was weird but the bus finally started to move and we were on our way. "Hey what's up with Jackson?", Josh asked over the seat. "Oh I guess he just had to go tell Payton something.", I said with a shrug. "Oh okay?", he said as he turned back around.

"Hey sorry, I was just... you know nervous?", Jackson said as he sat back down beside me. "Why should you be nervous, I mean we are friends aren't we?" "Yeah of course. I just meant..." That's when he looked up at me with those bright ocean eyes and that half smirk. Dang if I had no feelings for Jaden right now I would totally wipe that smirk right off his face, but not the way your thinking. "Um Jackson.." "Yeah?", we both said not breaking the look. "I think we should just..." "What?" "I think we should stay friends.", I said knocking both of us out of our stare. "Yeah... friends.", he sounded so sad and I wanted to be more but I don't know what's happening with me and Jaden yet.

So with that we rode almost the rest of the way in silence besides a few giggles here and there. But half way I started feeling sleepy so me and Jackson shared AirPods and jammed until I fell asleep with my head on his shoulder.

I woke up about an hour or two later, but I wasn't on the bus. I was in a hotel room. But who's? That's when I started freaking out so I grabbed my phone but of course it was dead. Great! Then I hopped off the bed and ran over to the door to try and open it but someone was in the bathroom right beside it. Great now there's only one way out and we are on the fourth floor. So I went and tried to open the window but right when I started to open it I heard the toilet flush in the bathroom. So I dove back onto the bed and acted like I was still asleep.

"I know your awake." And that's when I knew who it was. "Jackson?", I asked jerking straight up. "Yeah who else?", he said jumping onto the other bed. "I just thought I was kidnapped for a second or I was dreaming of tour the entire time.", I states which made us both laugh. "Nah it's just me." "But where's Mal and why are you in our room?", I asked while sitting up. "Oh yeah you don't know." "Know what?", I kinda said to loud while standing up. "Mal is sharing a room with Jaden and so I decided to share a room with you." "Are you serious!?" "Yeah why?" "Nothing Jackson just leave it!", I said while I ran over to my suitcase as I grabbed my suit and a few other things in a bag and took off out the door. "EVE WAIT!", I heard Jackson yell behind me but I just headed towards the place I knew she would be.

•1050 words•
May 2,2020💕

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