Chapter 9

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Eve's POV
My life keeps getting more and more confusing the longer this tour goes. I don't know what's wrong with me. I can't be around people that long or my stomach starts hurting and I can't stand to be around people I hate. My emotions have gone haywire, but thankfully Jackson has been there for me this entire way. I was thinking about telling Mal everything but I just didn't know if I could trust her anymore, because only she could hurt me in a way no one else could. Plus, her and Payton have been spending a lot of time together so I know he would probably tell her everything. Also, this has been the longest most boring bus ride I've ever been on. Literally we are riding all the way from North Carolina to Texas in just a day, so that means a overnight drive and these seats ain't the most comfortable. We have stopped a couple times and I've ate normally but my appetite is still craving something. I am not sure what but I haven't mentioned it to Jackson yet, due to me knowing him and Payton are Vampires, I just don't wanna end up like them.

"Eve?", I heard someone say as my music stopped playing in my AirPods. When I looked over to see who it was I saw Payton. "Hey can I sit?", he asked as he nudged his head towards the seat beside me. "Uh...I mean sure.", I said trying to be nice. "So how are you doing today?", he said looking over at me. "Good I guess...but Payton...may I ask why your being so nice all of a sudden?" "Well...I guess it's my job to tell you the truth." "Yeah it is.", I said more harshly than I should have. "Well Jackson told me what happened and now I'm kind of scared for you.", he said looking at me concerned. "Wait! He told you everything!", I said kind of loud which got almost the whole buses attention. When I noticed this I ducked down into the floor board in front of us and dragged Payton with me, in a swif pull. "What do you know?", I asked in a whisper. "Well I don't know the details, but I do know he bit you." "Why what's wrong with him bitting me?" "Well when a person gets bit usually they change, but you haven't changed yet, which is very strange." "What does this mean?", I asked with a little strain in my voice. "Well it could mean one of two things, but one is very very rare." "What is it?", I asked with a little rush. "Well you could be a hybrid or the rarest thing." "Which is?", I said a little too loud, because I looked up to find Jackson looking at us. "Did I miss something?", he asked concerned, but with a jealous tone. "Uh no bro. We were just chatting.", Payton said as we both got back in our seats. "On the floor?", he questioned as he sat across from us. "Um...yeah, I mean why not. It's more quiet.", I said with a awkward laugh at the end with Payton. "Ok? Well the bus should be stopping soon, at our destination.", Jackson said as he got up and walked back up towards the front. "That was awkward.", I whispered to Payton as Jackson walked off.

"So what is it?", I asked turning towards Payton. "I can't tell you right now." "Wait why?" "Because.", then he pointed towards his ears and then Jackson. "Oh, but why? I mean he is a Vamp so shouldn't he know about it?" "Yes but we aren't supposed to talk about them much." "But why?", I asked as the bus came to a stop. "I'll tell you later. Just wait for my text.", Payton whispered as he got up and ran off along with all the other boys.

When I got off the bus I was met by Jackson waiting for me. And Payton and Mal were no where in sight. I wonder if she knows? What if Payton tells her about me? What if she tries to kill me? What if...? "EARTH TO EVE?!", Jackson says shaking me lightly. "Yeah what?", I asked grabbing his arm a little harder than I should and I heard a break. "OMG! Jackson are you okay?", I asked taking him behind the bus. "Yeah of course. Duh, I'm a Vampire we heal, plus that didn't even hurt.", he said as he broke his arm back. "Ooo, not something I needed to hear." "How'd you even get that strong that fast?", he asked confused. I thought back to what Payton said about how he thinks I'm rare and shouldn't talk about what I am, so I decide to change the subject. "So what are you doing later?", I asked as I turned and started walking back to the front to grab our stuff. "Nothing I don't think?", he asked kind of confused as he followed.

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