Chapter 19

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Mal's pov
I decided I wanted to go to the skate park with the guys cause I wanted to see if they were all like Eve, so I asked Payton if he would go with me and of course he said yes so he helped me up and went to grab our skateboards. I cracked the door to hear Payton ask them if they wanted to go and I heard Eve say, "Are you sure that's smart, you know with the stitches and stuff?" Well Eve kind of the point. Ok so listen I'm not trying to rip my stitches that's dumb I'm just gonna scrape my knee or something. I walked out "Yeah it'll be fine", I said as I took my board from Payton thanking him. I started running then threw my board down and rode it down the long hallway. "Come on slow pokes!", and by that time Payton was right beside of me.

We decided to take the elevator today, so we stayed on our skateboards all the way down to the first floor. After  me and Payton got out we waited on Jaxs and Eve which they never came so we went on. Thankfully the skate park was empty today after all it looked like it was gonna rain, so after 2 and half hours of skating I decided to see if Payt was like Eve. So I went to do a kick flip and fell purposely but instead of landing the way I landed on my foot with my stitches and ripped them wide open I screamed out in pain, blood gushing everywhere. I screamed out to Payton "Payt please help!", he stood there looking at me eyes red with veins underneath them "Payt?", I said scared. He came closer so I scooted as far back as I could until I hit the ramp. I knew I couldn't run so I sat there he bent down close me with what looked like fangs. "Payton please come back to me I'm begging you don't hurt me.", I said scared which wasn't working, so I did the only thing I could do left before he killed me I kissed him and let it linger on for a minute before I felt a hand on my neck pulling me closer until our lips disconnected and he was hugging me. "Malibu I didn't mean to I really didn't and I should of told you instead I waited like a jerk before I almost killed you I'm so sorry.", he said crying as he was leaning away. I looked away angry and lost for words. "I... I don't even know what to say to you right now.", he looked hurt. "Say you at least heard me?" I looked at him angry. "Oh you heard me loud and clear, and your right you should have told and you should have controlled yourself!"

I stood up quickly forgetting my stitches were ripped. Well that didn't last long before I let out a bloody Mary scream and fell back to the ground, tears streaming down my face and blood still going everywhere. I looked at Payton to see that he was looking. I looked at him confused he took his hand and set it on my cut and all of a sudden it stopped. Then I saw a black grayish looking liquid going through his veins and him wincing in pain. He took my pain so I didn't have to but that still didn't stop all the blood. Payton then bit his wrist holding it up to me. "What?!" I said in a sarcastic angry tone. "Drink it.", I looked at him like he was crazy. "I don't know what in the fucking damn goes on in your mind but I am not drinking blood out of your arm!" "Quit being difficult please I'm just trying to help. If you drink it, it will heal all your wounds damn!" There was bad tension between us but I did what he said anyway. I grabbed his wrist and put it up to my mouth and started drinking and to my surprise it was actually good it was sweet and savory.

"Alright Mal enough." I kept going. "Malibu I said that's enough!", he said taking his arm away from me and immediately healed. I looked down to see I was completely healed so I decided to rip the other stitches and it was healed to. "Thank you." I said looking down. "Your welcome.", he said standing up, walking away to his board. I stood up and went to look for my board and found it under a different ramp. "So was it planned?" I tried to play it off. "What do you mean!", he got irritated, "Malibu I'm not stupid I know you did it on purpose!" "It's none of your concern!" "Fine since you won't tell me!",he walked up to me and grabbed me by the chin. "Was it planned?" "Yes.",I blurted out. "What the hell Payton! What did you do?", I said angrily "It's called compelling. If you don't tell me the truth or if I wanna find something out you'll tell me or if I want you to do something if you look me in the eyes.", he said controlling. "Fuck you! Fuck you for not telling me stuff that I should know like your a FUCKING vampire or that you can make me fucking say or do fucking shit and FUCK YOU for me ever trusting you! I HATE YOU! NEVER SPEAK TO ME AGAIN AND LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" I stormed off on my skateboard only looking back to Payton throwing his board and then falling well sitting on the ground.

I stopped by and grabbed me a 6 pack of bud lights, well stealing them and went back to the hotel, and sat on the bed and drank them throwing the beer cans across the room when Eve walked in. "What the fuck are you doing?", she said with a shocked face "Drinking my problems away.", she shook her head "Hey hand me that sharpie in my bag.", I asked her, so she picked it up and threw it to me and on one beer bottle at a time I put FUCK on one bottle YOU on another PAYTON on another and on the last one I put MOORMEIER and looked at Eve she said to me. "Wanna leave this place?" I smiled. "Fuck yeah." We packed grabbed our stuff and ordered a Uber and was off somewhere, cause Eve payed to take us somewhere out of state and honestly I was happy with it so let the road trip begin.
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