Chapter 20

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Eve's POV
Me and Mal have been on the road for about a good 24 hours now and I don't even know where we are. With all this traffic we will be lucky to even get out of California. I want this trip to go fast or at least get us to Texas because I have some family that lives there. Plus I could tell Mal was pretty pissed about something and I don't want to be in the middle of it but I also wanted to be there for her you know. "Mal?", I asked looking over at her with concern. "What?!", she said angrily still looking out the window. Right after she did that I noticed the driver getting uncomfortable so she turned the music up a little bit and started keeping a closer eye on Mal and me. "DO YOU HAVE A FUCKING STARING PROBLEM!?", Mal basically screams at the driver making her jerk the wheel and her pulling off the road. "I'm sorry girls but this is as far as I can take you.", she states half way turned around in her seat. "Are you fucking serious!?", Mal said starting to turn red face. I was scared for the drivers sake so I shook my head like I'm saying thank you and I scoot towards Mal making her get out. "I'm sorry ma'am but thank you for the ride this far.", I said as I gave her money and got out to join Mal with our backpacks.

"Great we're in the middle of fucking no where!", Mal states throwing her arms up in the air. "Dude chill the fuck out it's a road trip.", I said starting to walk on down the road. "So it doesn't usually involve walking this much.", she said with a attitude that I was done with. "Look I don't know what your problem is so FUCKING DROP IT!", I yell at her startling her. After that she finally shuts up and we continue walking down this desert road which I still don't know where we are.

We walk for a good hour or two in silence until Mal speaks up. "So do you even know where we are?", she stated sarcastically. "No but does it matter.", I stated in a tone right back. "Look I'm sorry.", she said surprising me. She surprised me so much that I stopped and looked at her. "Look I just am. Don't act all surprised.", she says in her back to normal grouchy self. "Finally your back.", I said with a laugh. "Ok, ok, just shut up." After she said that we laughed and got our skate boards out and skated together.

Jackson's POV
I've been looking for her for days now and can't find her anywhere. I was gonna tell her the truth but I wanted to make sure no one was around. Plus I just couldn't really bring myself forward and tell her 'Oh by the way, my father is trying to kill every last trybrid. Oh and your the only left of your kind'. I thought with a face smack at the end. But I mean if I told her would things be different. Would me, her, Mal, and Payton be escaping from all around the country. My dad I know would come after us, since his bloody slave now knows we helped a trybrid. But what he doesn't know is that I love this trybrid to death, and I don't think I could live any other way. I mean how would you feel if your parent hated the only thing you loved.

Payton's POV
Me and Jackson have been searching for days around Cali but there seems to be no trace and nobody has seen them so that means if they left town, they left from like the back roads. But I mean we can only search so far, because apparently now Jackson's dad knows about Eve and now it's even more important we find them before him. And I feel like Mal is changing and she is very different but I don't think in a good way. She is starting to act way more in control of everything like bossy but then she has the side where she is like a little more playful but the more dangerous kind of playful.

Eve's POV
We have been traveling for days by walking and skate boards. We have only took the back roads and went in little unknown shops to eat and change and stuff, so the boys couldn't really track us. But today we finally thought about renting a car. You know since we were kind of already so close to my families house and I could put it in one of their names.

When we got to the car rental place, it seemed quite weird. Like it was sort of too quiet to be a car rental place. But Mal being not that noticeable of her surroundings went on in without thinking. I wasn't so sure on going thing so I stayed outside and waited for her. I waited for about 5 minutes when I heard a loud thump sound from inside which made me run in. I ran inside to find no sight of Mal and no one inside. 'No, no, no, no, this can't be happening.' I kept repeating to myself as I ran around the entire store looking for her. I was about to look around the outside when I heard a whistle from the back.

As soon as I walked out the back door I looked around and saw no one, so I was hesitant to walk out. Well after standing with the door open for a few minutes I walked out but was shocked when I felt three sharp pains go through my stomach. When I looked down I found three wood bullets in me. "EVE!", I heard Mal say as I turned to my right to find her tied up and to be surprised with two more bullets. "Oh my god!", she screamed as I was adjusting to the pain in my stomach.

Oh I was pissed at this moment so I started walking towards the shooter as my body pushed the bullets out of me and onto the ground. "What the hell!", I heard the man in the mask yell as he threw Mal at me and took off running. As I watched him run away I grabbed Mal and put her into a random car as I grabbed random keys and took off in it. "Who the hell was that!?", Mal kept questioning as I sped up. "I don't know." "What do you mean you don't know?! And how the hell did you push those bullets out?" "Look I can explain the bullets but I still don't know who that was, but all I know about them is that their after me and we need to keep moving."

•1155 words•

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