Chapter 17

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I looked surprised and was very confused but I need to tell Payton what happened I felt like that was the more important than me knowing something. "Wait actually can I have a couple of minutes with Payton before you tell me it's really important actually" Jackson and Eve look at Payton in confusion, he shrugs his shoulders and gives that idk face and they walk out. I look over at Payton "can I take these dang IV out of my arm pleaseeee" said dragging the e, he shakes his head and gives out a 'really' laugh and looks up at me laughing then going straight faced "no" he said "pleawse" "no Mal if you do it won't end well" I gave a pouty face and he just laughs. Then it went silent " so I actually wanna to take about the whole thing with this morning I haven't had a chance to explain yet" he shook his head yes and I patted the bed and tried to sit up but couldn't on my own cause of the freaking stitches "damn these things" I said annoyed so Payton helped me sit up before sitting down in front of me and said "whenever your ready" I shook me head "alright this is what happened, well last night after Eve I guess bit me which is weird. Not the the point though moving on, so when you took me back to the hotel what happened I remember getting bit and me freaking out but that's all." He sighed looking me dead in the eyes
Payton's pov
"well I quickly ran you back to the hotel and put you in my room and wel-" She looked at me shocked "wait your room I thought I was in" she sat there shocked "I thought when I woke up this morning I was in my room! Welp guess I was wrong wasn't I?" I laughed "yep you are wrong we moved all your stuff over last night and put Jackson over with Eve" "ok" she smiled. I continued "anyway you where freaked out and in shock so Jaden came and helped me calm you down" She was surprised "Jaden helped me? He hasn't talk to me for a while not after my anger burst? Really it's not my fault both my parents have anger issues but some how mybrother didn't end up with the trait but I did. I went on "once we calmed you he told me to tell you to see him when you could and if you were still mad at him you didn't have to talk to him at all. Then I held you while you where on the floor crying". "Wait I was on the floor crying welp that's great I hate crying especially in front of people it's a weakness" "Mal you can be vulnerable sometimes it's not a bad thing it shows that you really care" She just shook my head ok and I continued so you finally went to sleep I ran back down to where Jackson and Eve where and we talked and she said she had a headache and wanted you to stop and when she tried to cover your mouth she accidentally fell and hit her mouth to your neck" I lied "ok that I guess makes sense she said with a confused look then I let her get on with her side of the story
Mal's pov
So I continued from where it was this morning "ok and I woke up this morning and please don't tell Eve this but I was afraid of her and still is but I didn't want to hurt her feelings so I just decided to miss breakfast and go surfing. And after I saw you asleep next to me I felt bad, so I took my skateboard and surfboard with me and got the the secluded part of the beach that not many people know about. It's the spot my father use to take me and Eve and some of his friends surfing when we would visit down here often and it's always been peaceful so I don't know why there would be a shark. Then a man yelled at me to get out of the water and that there was a shark and this man looked so familiar but I don't know who it is anyway the shark came up bit my leg and dragged me down and I kicked him till he finally let me go then as I was trying to swim away he got my ribs, then I get the adrenaline rush and was able to get back on shore and hide in the bushes cause I didn't know what else to do it was the first thing to come to mind and I didn't want that guy to find me either so before I got up there I grabbed my phone and called Eve even though I was scared of her I still count on her. Once y'all got me everything went dark, by the way did y'all get both my boards?" He held up my skateboard this ones still good but sadly this ones not, it was my surfboard broken in half I sadly grabbed it "nooo not this board" I said in tears "hey what's wrong" Payton said in a sweet tone "this was the board my dad bought and painted for me before he died and they're is no other board like it in the world" I held the board close to my chest remembering all the good times I had on this board "hey I'm sorry I wouldn't of given it to you right now if I knew it would hurt you this bad in the state your in" "it's ok I'm just glad I got it back" I said smiling "so does that make you remember what happened?"

Hi guys we're both busy rn but we will be writing

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