Chapter 2

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Malibu's pov
"Eve get up!!", I screamed when she would not get out of her bed. I got my clothes on and went into Eve's room to see that she was still in bed with her head underneath her pillow and telling me to give her 5 more minutes. I ripped the blankets off her grabbed her arm and yanked her of the bed with a thud, she groaned as she slowly started to get up. "Mal really you had to drag me outta bed" she complained. "Yes we are leaving in a couple of hours for our plane remember" I said sassily

After we completely finished packing we grabbed our things and headed to the airport with our moms and my brother. Once we got there we realized how crowded the airport was today and that we couldn't get separated otherwise we would miss our flight. Once we got in we sat down and waited for our flight to be called, so me and Eve talked about how the tour was gonna be and how excited we were. Our mother's were laughing while Dillion was just shaking his head laughing, after a hour of waiting our flight was finally called and we stood up hugged our mothers and told them we were gonna miss them. After I was done talking with my mom I went over to Dillion and gave him a big hug and said " I'm gonna miss you bubba" " I'm gonna miss you to Mal" and I gave him one more big hug before giving Eve a hug to. We started to walk away but Dillon spoke up "Don't do anything stupid or that you'll regret later!" we turned around and said "We promise!" then walked away to bored our plane. Once we got in our seats we saw that there was a seat beside Eve because I took the window seat, then Eve stepped on my toe I looked over about to ask her why she did that but instead I saw a boy about mine and Eve's age sitting down next to her. He had blue eyes, long brown hair and a smile that could knock you out of this world. He looked over at us and we smiled at him and he smiled back then Eve had to start a conversation with this fine boy. She said " Hey I'm Evony and this is Malibu." " hi I'm Sam.", the nice brunette said. "Nice to meet you Sam." I said not wanting to be rude   " Your names sound familiar do I know you?" me and Eve looked at each other giving that face of don't blow our cover so I spoke up "No probably not." then the plane was ready to take off

*skip to when there off the plane cause I'm lazy*

Once we got off the plane we said our goodbye's to Sam saying that we hope we see each other again. We grabbed our luggage and then I got a call from a random number I looked at Eve to see if I should answer it and she gave me the yes look, so I accepted the call then a mans voice was talking on the line           " Hello is this Malibu Kote", I replied with a yes. "This is Ryan the manager of the lights out tour.", he said "Oh hello Ryan is there anything you need?" " No I do not but I was just calling to tell you and Evony that I have a car waiting for you outside of the airport it is a black Mercedes." I was shocked he brought us a Mercedes to ride in we thought it was just gonna be a Uber so I said "Oh um thank you we just thought you were gonna get a Uber?" he chuckled and said "No you guys are our special guests after all." I said "Ok thank you." then before I ended the call he said " The driver knows where your hotel is so don't worry about directions.", then he hung up and I looked at Eve and told her we were ridding in a black Mercedes to the hotel. We both smiled and walked out once we got our luggage in the car, we were off to the hotel once we pulled up me and Eve both awed in amazement, the hotel looked like a castle on the outside but once we got inside it looked so modern and fancy. We got our room keys and thankfully we were staying in the same room so we decided to both get showers and get ready to meet the tour boys. Once I got in the shower I must have lost track of time because Eve was beating on the door saying that they were going to be here in 20 minutes so I quickly jump out the shower brush my hair put on some black ripped jeans with my white crop top and tied my flannel around my waist then rushed out of the bathroom and grabbed my makeup I did a simple look but you could see my freckles which I liked. I cleaned everything up washed my hands and went into the bedroom to see Eve laying up towards the ceiling on her phone she looked up at me and asked if I was ready to go and I shook my head, so we turned off the lights and opened the door and walked down to the lobby and sat on the couch to wait. Then a older man maybe 25 walked up to us and introduce himself "Hello girls I'm Ryan the boys manager it's a pleasure to meet you." We stood up and shook his hand and he continued "The boys will be down in a minute you know how they are they got to look perfect.", he chuckled and we laughed so then I decided to mention Dillion "Yeah we know I have a older brother who takes forever to get ready in the mornings.", he smiled at the both of us. He spoke up and said "I'm going ahead and telling you this but the boys are wild and hard to handle and if anything happens between y'all and I'm saying your gonna do anything because I do not know your relationship status but I'm begging you do not get pregnant it will not end well for you, them or the fans and I know that's weird coming from a stranger but I just needed y'all to know, but if you do I need you to leave tour and do not tell the fans or the guys why it will ruin their career." me and Eve shook our heads at Ryan understanding that these are the rules and we need to follow them for everyone's career life. Then Ryan got a call and looked at us and said "You ready to meet the boys?" with a smile on his face, me and Eve looked at each other and looked back at him and we both said "Yes!".

Hiya guys I'm the other writer of this book I hoped y'all liked this chapter! Don't forget to go check out my other stories on my main account Tinynemo! If you enjoyed this chapter vote and comment. See ya!

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