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Dialogues in hindi are written in italics.
Enjoy this part.......

I opened my eyes only to find myself at some hospital.
There was no one in the room except a nurse who was busy with some instruments. I tried getting up but before I could do so the nurse noticed me and immediately called the doctor. She further asked me to lay down on the bed and relax. I agreed reluctantly and did according to her. Afer sometime the doctor came, checked my pulse rate and did some observations.

'How are you feeling now? ', she asked politely.
'Much better. Umm.......by the way.....why I'm here? ', I asked hesitantly.
'You don't remember? ', she asked confused.
After debating with my inner self I replied, 'As far as I remember, I was at my house. My friend Noor had went to her boyfriend's place and another friend Mahi was sleeping in her room. When all of a sudden my heart started to ache and.......when it became unbearable I got fainted.......I don't remember anything after that.......Guess Mahi got me admitted here', I said after thinking, 'Actually what has happened to me? ', I asked finally, not knowing why I'm here at the first place.
After a brief pause, 'Do you anyhow remember the date? ', she asked curiously.
The what??? Doesn't she have any damn calendar or is she thinking I have gone mad? Ridiculous.
'Not exactly. But I guess it's 3rd week of February', I answered honestly not showing my jolly reaction for her marvellous question. *note the sarcasm*
'Year? ', she asked further.
Is she for real! What she is thinking of me? A crack nut!
'Why? ', I asked with obvious confusion.
'I meant to ask, what's your age? ', she corrected herself. Ok, that makes some sense.
'Mine? It's 24'
'Are you sure? '
God this doctor! She is surely thinking me as some mental patient, I can write it on pen and ink.
'Yah obviously. Why you are asking me all these? ', I asked finally losing my temper. Then I added, 'Is there any problem with me? ', I asked with a straight face.
Giving me a weird smily look, 'Not at all. Sorry for making you feel awkward', she apologised sincerely, 'Ok you take rest. I would be back'
'Sure and sorry for my behavior', I apologised embarrassed.
'No no it's okay. Fine. You take rest', she said politely with a soothing smile.
'Hmm', I hummed with a sweet gesture.
Then she went towards the nurse.

I shouldn't have behaved like that. She was just doing her job and I...... Well I was really sorry. Don't know what she must be thinking of me.
At the same time I looked at her and found her conversing with the nurse who was staring at me nervously. What happened now? I asked to myself. Maybe she noticed my confused look so she just smiled at me and I returned her gesture.
After sometime the doctor left and the nurse resumed her work.
I was feeling quite sick so decided to listen to some music but I was unable to locate my phone.

'Excuse me, sister', I called out.
'Yes', she answered.
By looking at the batch pinned to her uniform, 'Miss Tanushree, right? ', I asked.
'Mrs Tanushree', she corrected me.
'Oh sorry. Can I have my phone? ', I asked finally not knowing what to say next.
'Yah sure'
Then she went out and returned almost 20 MINS later. Just for a phone!

'Ma'am actually your phone is with your daughter and she is refusing to give', she explained.
Okay fine......One second...What just she said?
'My daughter!!! ', I exclaimed puzzled.
After a long pause, 'I mean to say doctor, sorry', she apologised.
After a sigh, 'It's ok. By the way why the doctor is refusing to hand me over my phone? ', I asked confused.
'Actually.........she wants you to take rest', she sounded nervous. Chill dear, I'm not gonna kill you.
'I'm fine now and moreover I'm feeling sick without any entertainment', I confessed with a pout, 'I mean I'm bored', I said truthfully which made her chuckle.
'In that case I can play some music for you', she suggested. That made me grin widely.
'Great, thanks', I said jovially.
'Your welcome'

She played some music which were completely unknown to me but still I enjoyed. They were awesome. She do has nice taste in songs.
After one hour or something the doctor returned and Mrs Tanushree hurriedly paused the music player making me chuckle at her nervousness. Poor lady.

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