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I slowly opened my eyes at the hospital's room and then the first person whom I located was the same nurse, Mrs Tanushree. Unfortunately she also saw me and was about to call for the doctor. Have patience dear. I'm not going anywhere. Just when she opened her goddamned mouth I grabbed her wrist firmly and motioned her through my eyes not to call for HER.

'Are you okay? ', she asked cautiously, 'Why you stopped me? Any problem? ', she sounded reluctant. Poor lady.
'Can you please answer me honestly if I ask you something? ', I asked hopefully with puppy eyes.
Nervously, 'Y.... Yah.... Of course...b..but let me call the doctor first', she stammered uncontrollably as if trying to escape from the situation. But I was also adamant not to leave her so easily.
'Mrs Tanushree please. Please', I pleaded her with welled up tears in my eyes.
She turned a bit emotional and couldn't really see me in that state so she agreed to my pleas and decided to stay back without calling for the doctor.

'Fine, ask', she said softly by holding my hands firmly in hers.
'Thanks......umm....firstly can you tell me today's date? ', I asked hesitantly, feeling stupid to ask such a lame question.
'It's 21st March, 2018', she said softly.
What!!???? 2018!!!!
Utterly shocked, 'I have been here since 7 YEARS, since 2011!? ', I asked flabbergasted, not believing her words. How's that even possible? On 30th May 2011, I was celebrating my birthday and now she is saying that I have crossed 7 long years of my life without my own knowledge. Is this some kind of prank?

'No, no. You are here since three days, including today', she apprised me.
Another shock. What's happening around? Please someone confirm if I have gone mad cause even if I would have not then also these people are going to turn me into one. I'm damn sure.
'You mean to say that I'm HERE since two days, that's particularly from 18th March 2018 to be precise but then why I don't remember anything about the past 7 years? ', I whined frustrated.
Calmly, 'Actually you had met with an accident', she started, 'A truck had hitted your car and it had fallen down a sallow cliff. Luckily you fell out of the car at the right time so you were found near a dense forest. You had got hitted directly on your head with a huge stone so your brain got affected.......and as a result, 7 years of your life got erased from your memory. So you don't remember anything', she revealed with a highly concerned face.

I was speechless would be an understatement. I was horrified. I just couldn't believe my ears. I have lost my 7 years of memory and I'm not able to retrieve it! By any means does it indicate that Noor's words were true? If it is then everything makes sense. That means I'm married and I have kids to be taken care of! Great. Simply....... I really don't have words to explain how I'm feeling now. The feeling is alien. For the first time I don't know what's my real identity. I mean I'm a Hooda now!!?? Arshad had lied to me. They are not distant relatives. They are my family!
Before I could process everything inside my head the nurse started again.

'Ma'am, are you okay? ', she asked worriedly.
Absentminded, 'Ya... Yah, I'm', after a pregnant pause, 'Can you tell me more about myself? ', I asked curiously.
'Sorry ma'am but I don't have much information about you. Do you want me to call someone? ', she asked with concern.
'Please call my mother'
Then suddenly something striked into my mind. And I halted her in her tracks.

'Wait', I called out, 'Call my husband instead', I urged.
'You mean Mr Aditya Hooda? ', she asked wide eyed.
'Umm.........yes, him', I said hesitantly.
'Are you sure? ', she asked nervously.
'Yah, I want to face the truth but don't tell him that I already know everything, please. It's a request', I pleaded.
After a little hesitation, 'ok..... Okay'
She said and left.

After a few minutes the creaking sound of the door was heard which made me turn my head towards that direction. There HE stood. Aditya Hooda. My.....umm.....husb...husband. Oh god, it's so difficult even to pronounce how I'm going to accept him. Please Lord, give me some strength to face the reality.

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