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Continuing from the previous part

'Zoya stop there', growled the angry Hooda, 'I will not leave you, come back', he shouted, making me laugh more loudly.
'Aww, Mr Hooda', I started teasing him playfully, 'You know you look so cute when you get jealous, Mr jelly', I went on instigating him. And believe me, it was so much fun.
'You are so gone', he retorted back in a warning tone and began running towards my direction with full swing.

I was rushing near the swimming pool when I felt him grabbing me, by my waist. Oh shit. His sudden move startled me and unknowingly I took a step back, and that was the biggest mistake. I tripped near the edge of the pool and due to reflex I held onto him tightly. All these series of events happened so in a haste that before we could handle each other, we straight out fell into the pool and SPLASH!! For the first few seconds, we were inside the water, struggling hard. I felt my body falling numb so was not able to swim above but that was not the case with my well built husband. He took me out of the waters in a bridal style, like we see in the movies and serials too.
Though we were out but still we were in. I mean inside the pool, him standing on it's surface with his muscular arms wrapped around my back and under my knees, as if I was not able to stand by my own. And just when we caught our much needed breathe, his never ending lectures started.

'Are you mad, woman?', he screamed at me out of blue, 'Have you lost it? What was the need to run near the pool? What if something would have happened to you? You know I was so scared', he voiced out his concerns, 'Have you really thought that I would be mad at you for taking Rehan's name!? Seriously? ', he sounded shocked, like spellbound, 'I knew you were just teasing me and you also know that I would never shout upon you, ever, then what was the need to run from me? ', after a pause, 'Now speak something', he said angrily.
'I'm sorry', came my words, looking into his concerned orbs.
Softly, 'Don't be sorry dear', he began, 'Actually I'm sorry. I have said I will not shout upon you but still I shouted. I'm sorry', he ended with a gloomy look.
And I bursted out in fits of laughter at his response, which made him look at me in total confusion and with a slight tint of frown. As if I had grown horns on my head.

'Can you please explain that', he said annoyedly.
Still into my laughter, 'Ar.....are you preg.....pregnant? ', I managed to utter those words in between my laughter. Oh my god, my stomach.
Looking at me with wide eyes, 'What!!?? ', he screamed right through my ears, causing me to jump out of my skin.
Irritatively, 'What the hell, Aditya!! ', now it was me who screamed, 'You wanna see me deaf or what? ', I said while rubbing my left ear, guess I have gone literally deaf. Oh my ear, 'Now put me down. I can stand by myself', I sounded harsh.

He slowly made me stand. I was about to go when he suddenly held my wrist and pulled me towards himself. Resulting in an innocent clash of our upper bodies, which were covered by water soaked clothes, which looked more like a second skin upon ourselves.
Our close proximity was sending shivers all over my body. My breathe hitched and I don't know what was happening to me. There was complete silence. The only sound which was audible was our heavy breathes. I don't know why but I felt at peace, protected, with him wrapping his arms around my waist.
Well at that moment, he had held me close, out of reflex but still that unintentional hold made me feel blessed and that was something I never had experienced with Yash. Yash was good, too good, but Aditya. With him it was....it was. I really don't know how to express that feeling. Heavenly......perhaps.

'Shoot', he said with a heavy voice, breaking the peaceful silence. Mood spoiler Hooda.
'What? ', I simply asked, casually.
'Why you said that? ', came his reply.
Completely understanding him, 'Oh that', I said by remembering that recent event, asking about his pregnancy. Lol.
And I started laughing like a psycho again, making him pissed off over my antics. He held me by my shoulders and shook me a little, in an attempt to make me stable. Hope you got it.

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