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I felt like crying. My eyes welled up and looking at me, Santa sensed that anytime the fresh flow of angel falls would leave it's designated place and pour down over my cheeks leaving trails of salty water behind it. So the next moment he tried to  cheer me up.

'Hey Skinny, what's up! Good morning', he beamed at me jovially.
'Worst morning', I corrected him.
He sighed at that and started again, 'okay fine. Don't be sad. By the way great prediction', he said.
'What?? ', I asked confused.
'I mean your dream or something like weird feelings.....umm', he scratched his nape finding the correct words, 'Whatever that was you got yesterday', he tried to explain but looking at my confusion state he continued his explanation, 'You told me to be careful but I ignored your words, remember? And now I'm here', he completed.
Oh got it.
'You should have been careful', came my obvious reply.
'How will I know that I was going to get my leg fractured and moreover due to such a stupid reason', he said.
'Seriously, who slips in bathroom? ', I yelled at him.
'Good question. Answer is in front of you. It's me. Hola', he said comically.
'I'm not joking', I said with a straight face.
'Okay fine. Apologies'
'Good. Rest now we would talk later'
'Please don't go', he whinned like a small kid with a puppy face, 'Don't leave me alone in this very huge and scary hospital', and his melodrama began. Jerk.
'Santa stop it. Don't show your acting skills. Krish and Sahir are there to take care of you', I reasoned.
'Yah, they are but I need you', he grinned at me. Man, for God sake I'm not a damn doctor.
'You don't need me now. I will come and meet you up', I said, 'By the way when are you going to get discharged? ', I asked casually.
'After one week. They told for complete rest and proper care. Can you come and stay with me, darling? Cause Sahir and Krish have their assignments to complete and you know they are so nice. They told me not to worry about mine part, they will do that for me. See, such nice friends I have got', he said with a cheeky grin.
Something is definitely fishy.
Just then I heard the other two chimpanzees murmuring.

'When did the doctor said that? ', snapped Sahir, 'We are going home today', he further added sternly.
'And you have to complete your own task', joined Krish.
Yash gave them his best glare and signalled them to keep their mouth shut.
So Santa was lying. Hence proved. One should not trust him at all. Lier.
By looking at me, 'They were just kidding babe. Ignore. So when are you coming? ', he asked sweetly. I'm not falling for your sweetness dear.

'I was actually thinking to come after a week. When you would have gotten discharged and fit enough to do your work. Cause I can't really see you lying in the hospital's bed. It's painful for me', I explained feigning concerned, 'Also I don't like going to the hospital. Hospital's smell is awful. Yuck', I reasoned by making faces.
'Oh, is it so! Okay.....come and meet me in the evening. At my place. We would watch today's cricket match together. Everyone's coming', he said after thinking a bit.
'But you were saying that you need rest', I asked with a raised brow, 'That doctor told you to be there for AT LEAST one week? Don't worry. You first take rest and become perfectly stable then we would meet', I said biting my inner cheek to control my laughter. You have purely underestimated me honey.
'I was kidding at that time. I'm getting discharged today itself. You come', he blurted out in a hurry.
'I knew that. You were lying to me. So that I will go there and spend my entire week sitting beside you', I sounded frustrated, 'Santa grow up', I added exasperated. You are impossible.
'Sorry, I'm helpless', he said with a pout, 'I'm getting frustrated over here. Baby please come and meet me', he pleaded genuinely.
'First hold your ears and say that you will not lie to me next time', I said sternly.
By holding his ears, 'I'm very sorry dear, I will not lie to you again. Happy??? ', he asked innocently. Aww, my cutie pie.
'Yup. Now leave your ears and take rest'
'So......when are you coming? ', he asked again.
'Me?? Make it evening 6 pm'
'Ok fine. I would be waiting for you'
'Sure, byee'
'Where? ', he asked.
Dumbo I have other works to do inspite of just gossiping with you.
'Listen, we can't gossip for the whole day', I said strictly.
'But I can', he grinned idiotically.
'No thanks. I have many work to do unlike you. So don't disturb me. Byee', I said finally.
'But.... '
He was trying to say something further but I had already disconnected the call.

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