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The next day, the Hoodas' bid adieu to the Siddiquis' and resumed with their daily chores. Zoya and Aditya were avoiding each other at every possible time and this definitely didn't went unnoticed by the elderly couple. Firstly during the breakfast and then during the dinner time after Aditya returned home, they didn't even look at each other and did their work silently, with just formal talks. The elders were helpless so they decided to take the matters into their own hands.
After making sure that everyone has retired into their rooms Anjana came to hers and properly locked the door from inside.

'Come, we were waiting for you', Harsh said.
Anjana went towards Harsh and joined him on the video call which he was having with the Siddiquis'.

On call, 'Any improvements? ', Roshnaq asked longingly.
With a helpless expression, 'They're fighting like complete rivals. None of them is ready to back off, both are dominating towards each other. They're just not throwing daggers of words, they're hurting each other physically also, not violent but still', Anjana said gloomily, 'Their relationship has almost broken in the worst way. They're not even sharing a bed. I fear, if everything goes on in this manner then soon..... ', she said in grief.
Interrupting, 'Please don't say further', Roshnaq said with a fearful voice and started to sob.
By consoling, 'Control yourself Roshnaq. Have faith in Allah. He'll not let anything wrong happen with our kids', Wassim said patiently.
Seconding him, 'Yes bhabi ji, please handle yourself. We've to be strong for our kids', Harsh reasoned.
Weeping, 'I can't see them like this, walking on eggshells. Don't know whose evil eyes has befallen on my lovely kids', Roshnaq said irritatively towards the end.
'If Rajveer and Sanjana wouldn't have informed us then we would've never known about them', Anjana said.
'Exactly. Thank god they were present there when these two were having their heated argument', Wassim said with a sigh.
'Well, I was thinking to inform Arjun and Noor. They can surely help us to sort out their differences with the help of their friends', Harsh proposed.
Smilingly, 'That would be good. Kids can handle this better', Wassim agreed.
'Then we should call them tomorrow only. This is needed to be sorted out early to end it forever', Anjana reasoned.
'It would be a problem if we discuss it in Hooda mansion. Aditya would go to his office so he won't be able to know anything, but Zoya. She's already upset with us, I can see that clearly, though she's trying to act normal and if she would come to know that we were aware of everything and planning behind her again then she'll definitely breakdown more', Roshnaq said with concern.
Nodding in agreement, 'That's true. After what happened last time, we surely can't take any chance and moreover she's unwell which adds to the problem', Anjana seconded Roshnaq.
After thinking, 'Make it our place then', Wassim proposed.
'That would be better. We can make some excuse to Zoya, like we're going to a friend's house', Harsh said hopefully.
Cheerfully, 'That would be great. I would inform Noor and Arjun in the morning itself. Let's meet at 10 am', Anjana proposed.
'Fine with us. I would also inform Arshad about this and yeah, I'll also ask Mahi and Yuvraj to join us too', Roshnaq said joyfully.
Delightfully, 'Perfect. So it's done. Meeting at Siddiqui mansion- Mission Adiya', Anjana squealed like a confident child.

Everyone smiled and then gossiped a little, discussing about tomorrow, before calling it a day. Four of them slept thinking about the sufferings and problems in their kids' life, hoping they could find a solution to all these mess, tomorrow, before it gets too late.

Zoya was the first to wake up in the morning. She yawned a little before sitting up straight and stretching her hands.

'Wake up Aditya, it's morn...... ', and she stopped, soon realising that her husband was sleeping on the couch and not beside her like he used to.
For a split second she awfully missed his warmth near her, but that was only for that particular second, cause soon the burning hatred returned.
She threw her blanket away and marched furiously towards the couch to wake her new found so-called dictator.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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