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Aditya's POV

It has been two days since that ugly day, and still my wife was in the hospital, lying down unconscious, and I was here standing outside her room, looking at her, through the glass.

I'm sorry, Zoya, sorry for everything, but I was helpless.
Tears threatened to spring out from my eyes when I again reminisced that ungrateful day.

'Hello everyone', suddenly a voice was heard.
All of them turned around and saw a man walking inside the hall along with a woman, by his side. They were none other than Ofc. Rajveer Khanna and Dr. Sanjana Mathur.
Everyone stood up when the pair proceeded towards them.

'Hello officer, hello doctor', Aditya politely greeted them, before turning towards the rest, 'People, he's Ofc. Rajveer Khanna and she's Zoya's doctor, Dr. Sanjana Mathur', he introduced them.
While looking around, 'Where's Mrs. Hooda? ', Rajveer asked.
'At a friend's house. I hope Dr. Sanjana has informed you regarding my wife's state!? ', he asked rhetorically, with a slightly raised brow.
'Yah, she has. I was just confirming', the officer said casually, 'Anyway, before I speak anything, Miss Mathur would like to discuss something with you, concerning your wife's reports', he added.
'Is there any problem? ', Aditya asked worriedly.
'Well, to know about that, you first need to listen to her. Till then I would be taking everyone else's statements. Will it be fine? ', Ofc. Rajveer asked humbly.
'Yah sure. No issues', then he turned towards the doctor, 'This way ma'am', he said to her, showing the way.

Both of them then went to his studyroom and settled down on the couch.
There was a serious brief silence before Dr. Sanjana decided to speak.

'Mr. Hooda, how's your wife doing? ', she asked curiously.
'Good..... I think she's recovering in a greater pace but she's still having weakness, not always, but frequently', Aditya described.
With an audible sigh, 'Were you aware of your wife's pregnancy? ', she asked in a sober and calculative tone.
'WHAT!!??? ', he gasped, completely shocked, 'Zoya's pregnant!!? '

Already he was facing so many problems and now this. Well, it should've felt great to him, he must've danced in pure delightment, but it never occurred due to the dead seriousness in the doctor's possibly-hard-to-digest words while disclosing the news, which clearly indicated that something was terribly wrong.

'So you didn't know? ', she questioned cautiously, breaking his trail of thoughts.
'How's my baby? ', he asked worriedly, ignoring her previously asked question.
'Thankfully the baby survived in spite of the life-threatening havoc but..... ', and like that she trailed off.
'But what doctor? But wh.. what? ', he asked impatiently, stammering in restlessness.
Calmly, 'If Mrs. Hooda carries on with her pregnancy then she'll eventually die', she finally revealed.

Aditya froze in his position. It seemed as if his world collapsed, like it came to an end. He felt the ground beneath him shrinking. He started to tremble, in fear. He got his breathing uneven and flashes of Zoya lying in the pool of blood, on the road and in the hospital, came to his vision, making his eyes all teary and misty.

'Please doctor, do anything but I need both my wife and my child to be safe, perfectly fine. Please do something doc', he snuffled, 'I want both of them safe or else I'll die', he literally begged, folding his hands in front of the helpless doctor.
Worriedly, 'Calm down, Mr. Hooda. I know it's very painful to listen but there is no way we could save both of them', she explained.
Frightfully, 'What do you mean? ', he asked, startled.
With a deep sigh, 'The sleeping pills, which she was in taking before, were powerful drugs which has accumulated in her body and now those drugs have become poison for her, due to which her uterus has become toxic. So, if your wife carries on with her pregnancy then there is a 50% chance of the survival of the baby but Mrs. Hooda will die the moment she will give birth, but again if you abort the foetus early, before her 4 months of pregnancy, then there's full chances of her survival cause during abortion we would be able to successfully remove all the poison from her body', she explained patiently.
'You're asking me to abort my BABY!!?? Are you serious? ', he almost screamed.
'Be practical, Mr. Hooda', she said in a serious tone, 'As I said, baby's chances of survival is 50%. It can survive if the poison wouldn't have entered inside it's body and there's no way we can find that but it is evident that your wife will die cause her body has become resistant to medicines, so I had to prescribe her with strong doses of meds but those will also stop working on her after she enters her fourth month of pregnancy. Then no medicine, no nothing, will work on her and she will..... ', she explained again.
Interrupting her, 'Don't utter that word, I understood, please', after a brief pause, 'By the way, why wasn't I informed earlier? You must've known about her pregnancy before, right? ', he questioned doubtfully.
'For that you need to see something', she said.

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