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Continuation from previous part.

The same pin-drop silence surrounded Hooda Mansion's air. Unable to utter any word, the two mothers began sobbing along with the other female species present over there and their men tried consoling them, even though they themselves were in complete shock, due to this piece of newly found information. All were in tears except Aditya. He was sitting there, motionless.
I walked towards his direction and sat down on my knees, in front of him, by holding onto his hands, in mine.

Guiltfully, 'Sorry Aditya, you've had asked me not to tell this to anyone but still I disclosed this secret', I admitted, 'It's not that I'm disobeying you or not valuing your emotions. It's just, just that I didn't want to hide anything from them. They are all family and keeping them in dark was never going to help, instead things would have pretty worsen if they would have got to know about it from somewhere else. You understand what I mean, right!? ', I looked at him hopefully.
By kissing on my knuckles, 'I do and thanks for being brave all these stressful days', he said while smiling at me.
'Well, I'm born brave', I flawed, with a wink.

I then went from there and stood where I was previously standing before.

'I know it's a bit shocking to know but please don't shed your precious tears..... Look, I'm all fit and fine, standing before you in flesh and blood, and I'm not crying unlike you. If you want then I can give you all a toothpaste commercial smile too', I said dramatically, to lighten their foul mood, but instead received angry glares, 'I know it was a bad attempt but atleast lemme complete what I've started', I finally said.
Calmly, 'Go on', ammi said while wiping her tears.

Smilingly, 'Thanks ammi, so where was I? Oh yeah, the conversation. I was also equally flabbergasted, like you all, when I got to know the truth, that someone was after my life, but I decided to stay calm. That same day ammi, abbu and Arshad went to Mussoorie, to see my khala(father's sister)..... The next day, Aditya had his award ceremony. The whole day was busy but still I waited for him to tell me about the entire truth, but he never did. Then I thought, maybe he would apprise me later, so I didn't bother myself much..... After the lunch, I heard dad talking with someone regarding booking a private jet, which would fly off to Mussoorie to pick somebody, but I didn't know whom..... Yesterday night I was hell tired, so I just slipped into my nightwear and closed my eyes, awaiting for the sleep to overpower me. Just when I was about to doze off I got to hear some voices. I slowly opened my eyes and found my dear husband talking with someone, while putting away the phone on speaker..... I got puzzled, cause it was very late to gossip with someone over the phone, sacrificing his precious sleep. I tried to hear clearly and found that each one of you were having a pretty serious conference call regarding today's meeting which I suppose would have started by now if I would have gone to Sehgal's house. I heard your entire conversation which included coaxing my innocent kids to cry for going to their best friends' place by taking me with them so that I would not be present here in the time of interrogation session by that officer..... In the morning I saw Arshad's call on Aditya's phone. Well I know it's a bad habit to pick someone's call without their permission but here that someone was my own husband so I didn't consider twice before taking the call. And as soon as I received it my dear brother blurted out everything, that they have had reached Mumbai, but when he heard me asking "why so soon" he began making excuses, so I had to threaten him to speak out the damn truth, and finding no way out he revealed everything to me, that they returned back by the private jet which was sent by dad..... You know, I still had a hope that Aditya would say me about the things which was necessary for me to know, atleast I feel it to be a necessity to know about my own self, but he was busy in sending off his wife and children to his friend's house..... It was then that my patience level broke all the boundaries and I ended up lashing out on you people for hiding all of these', after a much required pause due to the continuous blabbering, 'You know what, the plan was good, I truly appreciate your efforts but it had many loopholes..... First', to Aditya, mom and dad, 'You all must remember that I'm living with you under this same roof, so planning and plotting against me would always result to be futile cause I can catch you in seconds. Second, if you're talking about me and you don't want me to know, then you should atleast close your doors or just have a cautious look around your surrounding, whether I'm somewhere near you or not. Just take some early precautions, it will be beneficial for you all from next time. Third, it's specially for my dearest hubby', to Aditya of course, 'You must never forget that we share the same room, so talking over the phone in an intention of conspiring against me and that too by keeping it on speaker when I'm present in that same room makes you look all stupid. Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you but I guess you would also agree to me. So moving on, fourth mistake, my sweet brother', to Arshad, 'Honey, learn to say "hello" before speaking to someone over the phone, just to make sure you're talking with the desired person or not. Keep this as a free suggestion, it may help you in future. Fifth, you all should have a control over your emotions. You know it's very easy to extract information from you people. I just need to play some mind games with you all and I'll get everything what I want but don't ever try it on me, you all will be caught red-handed, for sure. Sixth, for my lovely friends', to the rest, 'I knew you all were hiding outside the lawn, waiting for me to depart, so that you could come inside without any risk. I had seen you guys through our window but still pretended to not know and further asked Aditya to call you. I thought atleast you're smart enough to take your time and enter inside, accordingly, but your mistake was that you all invaded inside the hall together and that too within a time gap of 5 minutes, when you all were aware that none of your home is in a distance of 5 minutes from here. Now just ammi-abbu are left. Seventh', to my ammi and abbu, 'When I called you in the morning to ask you about khala's wellbeing, you know you sounded so nervous. You were so nervous that unknowingly you said that dad has not sent any jet plane to bring you back urgently. Seriously, you were so afraid of a simple conversation with your own daughter!! Listen', to everyone, 'I never had any intentions to hurt you all in any way. Sorry, if you have felt bad, but just think how easy it was to catch you all red-handed. You all are so poor in plotting things. So, from next time, if at all you're upto such conspiracies, then just remember that you are dealing with Zoya Aditya Hooda', I said proudly, 'And she's no less than a CBI officer', I completed my sentence by raising my invisible collar.

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