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The New Client

"How fascinating" Lisa muttered, she received a new client request and right now she was reading the contract agreement she had with the new client.

"Hey im preparing breakfast, what do you feel like having? Coffee or tea?"

Lisa looked at Chaeyoung with a sly smirk on her face, as she looked at her friend she suddenly threw the documents with the contract and clapped hysterically.

"My girl! Get me some champagne! We're celebrating!" Lisa shouted as she started to dance.

Chaeyoung was dumbfounded and just stared at the weird girl dancing outrageously in front of her.

"Ehh? Champagne? Early in the morning? I'll whack the champagne bottle on your head if i could! Sit down!" She shouted and smacked the back of Lisa's neck making her sit down in pain.

"Ow why are you so mean?" She complained why massaging the aching back of her neck. Chaeyoung just rolled her eyes and went over to the bar and started preparing the tea.

"What's gotten you so powered up in this time of day anyways?"

Lisa looked at her for a second and chuckled. "I got a huge client in my hands, and not just any client!..."

Before Lisa continued her sentence she immediately ran over to Chaeyoung with the contract in her hands.

"The Kim family wants me to work for them!" She screamed while showing the documents to Chaeyoung which also made her eyes widened.

"Really? What do they want?"

Lisa stopped celebrating and took the documents from her hands to take a look at it once again.

"I dont know actually, I didn't bother reading it yet" she said while walking back to her desk.

Chaeyoung's amused face disappeared and just scoffed and continued on finishing preparing the tea for Lisa.

"Ohhh i get it" What Lisa said made Chaeyoung look at her curiously. "What is it?" She asked.

Lisa began reading what was on the documents out loud "We humbly ask for your assistance in working for us undercover. We would like to have you work for us as an undercover body guard who will assist our daughter Jennie Kim"

Jennie Kim? Who's that? Chaeyoung thought and continued on listening to Lisa.

"We have been aware of your wonderful performance as a professional spy so we immediately wanted your presence, for more details of the mission please contact us right away as we are in huge need of your help"

Lisa placed down the contract on the table and started using her phone, out of nowhere she immediately spoke.

"When you're gonna take out the trash take those documents out as well"

Chaeyoung's eyes widened and she immediately frowned. "What? Are you seriously gonna decline their request?"

Lisa shrugged and just laid back on her arm chair. "Eh, they're just a chaebol family. Nothing's that special about them besides their company"

"Oh come on this is the Kim family we're talking about! Just think of how high they're willing to pay you!"

"Chaeyoung hun, remember that im just as rich as them. I can buy their whole company if i wanted to"

She scoffed and just walked out of Lisa's office. "Whatever, just think about that mission thoroughly!"

She couldn't believe that Lisa was celebrating at first and now she's declining a once in a life time mission. She knew that if she was her she would've contacted them right away without any hesitations!

Argh, Lisa you're such a pain in the ass!

After Chaeyoung left Lisa just stared at the documents and thought deeply for a sec. Should i really take this? It's such a boring job tho

She took the documents once again and read through the whole mission description given to her by the family, she suddenly saw that there was a page she didn't read and saw that it was the client description.

"Jennie...Kim..." she muttered as she looked at her picture and all the information all about her client.

"24 years old...born in korea and grew up in new zealand..."

She looked at her picture once more and a thought suddenly came into her mind.

How pretty

She quickly placed down the documents on the table and took her cellphone and dialed Chaeyoung.

"Hey its me, schedule an appointment with the Kims"

"Really? Great! I'll prepare everything for you and you're good to go"

Lisa smiled. "Thanks, talk to you later"

Then she ended the call.

She laid back on her chair as she stared outside the window of her office, a ton of thoughts once again filled her wandering mind.

Hundreds of thoughts but one person only comes to mind.

Jennie caught my interest.

What surprises should i come prepared for?


JennieRubyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant