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Reconcile what's Lost

Jennie don't you know? Are you not aware of what's gonna happen if you don't follow my lead?

Do you have any idea...

What's gonna happen to me?

Are you not afraid?

Do you not even feel any concern for me? me

I don't wanna lose you

Not again...

Lose you? Why would i lose you?

You and i share the same body, there's no way I'll lose you nor will you lose me. Wherever i go, whatever pain im in, you'll feel it too.

We're two souls who were never meant to be together but you turned against fate, now that we ended up in the same body the God's are punishing not only you.

But me also.

Why won't you believe me Jennie? Why do you have to be so stubborn? Im trying to protect you here!

Pfft, protect me? Do you really think that low of me that i would actually believe that you're here to protect me?

All of you are the same, Seulgi, Jihoon, Dita you're all here to deceive me. Im just putting up will all of you because im lonely.

Just us? What about Lisa? Don't you think she's also here to deceive you? Oh my already like her dont you?

It's not that i like her but...I'd be lying if i said that I don't think of her differently, i have a sense that she might be here for something else. I always lay in my bed hoping...hoping that she's different.

Are you already that naive? She's not here to love you! She's here with the same agenda! All because your poor grandparents decided to leave you a secret weapon, now you became the target. Don't you think all of this is your grandparents fault?'s not their fault. They had every right to tell me these secrets, I'll make sure that i get my parents in prison. I'll make their life a living hell before i really send them to hell!

You really want to do that?

I do

Then, I'll help you.


I'm here for you Jennie either you believe it or not, i live because of you.

Jennie opened her eyes waking up from Ruby's words. She looked around waiting for everything to sync in, her dream of Ruby, everything she said and when it all did she sighed.

When will all of this end? It's so tiring. Jennie thought to herself. When she stood up she started cleaning up her room from the windows to the walls, every nook and crany she suddenly stumbled upon a wrapped box on her dresser.

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