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A Slight SPG Scene Below

What Just Happened?

After what happened earlier Seulgi apologized on behalf of Jennie and i just let it go since I understood what was going on.

Did i feel scared? No, did i feel angry? Not really. What i really felt was curiosity, the more i get to see these kinds of sides from Jennie the more i felt the need to know her story.

I could sense there were still more to come i just had to be patient and find out what i had to do in order to make Jennie react like that. Knowing my mission, this isn't going to be an easy task.

If it were to manipulate i could do it even on the day this mission was assigned to me but my biggest obstacle is Jennie's attitude, i have to find a way to get used to her outbursts and look for a turning point...

A turning point i can use so i can use it against her...

Even before this mission i did a bit of studying, i got Chaeyoung to put an investigation on Jennie so i could get a bit of information out of her, unfortunately since Jennie was so well hidden from the public Chaeyoung couldn't get a single data out of her.

"It's as if she's never meant to be known by the world, seriously i even contacted the organization for help on this one but even they couldn't get anything. Whatever the Kims did, they did an amazing job hiding her" Chaeyoung said a few days ago.

I couldn't sleep because i kept on thinking about her, wherever, whenever, she's always on my mind. She's this outrageous but mysterious girl that can be cranky right now and be a lifeless soul minutes later.

Why can't i get you out of my mind...


Why do you always invade my thoughts

I sighed deeply and closed my eyes and tried to sleep. Minutes passed but i failed, i sighed from the frustration and opened my eyes.

"This is so troublesome" i said.

"Having trouble falling asleep?"

I immediately sat up cus of the sound of the voice only to realize that Jennie was actually in my room sitting on top of the counter at the corner of the room.

I was speechless and just sat there on my bad staring at her while she had this sly look on her face and smirked.

"Is it that difficult for you to sleep?" She asked. She was sitting there on the top of the counter while playing around with my stuff.

While looking at her i had this weird gut feeling that something was so not right at that moment.

Something's wrong...

Jennie looked up for our eyes to meet and that's when i noticed it...

Her eyes...i thought. Jennie's eyes were different, now they had this glowing yellow golden color and her eyes were glistening in delight as she smiled at me.

"What? Like my eyes? Pretty huh?" she got off the counter and started walking slowly towards my bed.

At that moment I couldn't do anything but not keep my eyes off her, no word came out my mind. The only thing i could hear was her giggles, my deep breath and my heart pounding.

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