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A Feeling Yet To Be Felt II

After Jennie calmed down both of them went over to the nearby park right beside the cemetery. Lisa thought that it would be convenient if she let Jennie unwind for a bit in a relaxing scenery, knowing her nature she didn't bother asking what happened and jusr watched her.

"Of all the days why did i have to cry today, i have to be honest that actually felt good" Jennie giggled. Lisa looked at her with no expression, all she had in mind was that this girl in front of her now is far from being the girl who killed a big group of men.

She sighed. "Laugh all you want, you finally saw the soft side of Jennie Kim" she then looked at me and frowned. "Pfft, as if you'd care right? Im sure your only nice to me just so you can earn my trust. How much did my parents pay you? 500 million won? A billion?"

I immediately felt goosebumps. This girl really knows what's going on.

She scoffed after seeing my reaction. "Oh my god, just what i thought" she started laughing.

I couldn't utter a word nor move, dozens of thoughts suddenly started coming through my mind but not one of them could i process.

"What? Not gonna say anything? Can you just be honest for one fucking time and stop playing with me?" I could see it in her eyes, it's still Jennie. No hint of gold, just tears and anger.

"Do i have to kneel down and beg just so i can finally live in peace? Huh? Fucking Manoban say something!" She suddenly slapped me but i still didn't move. Kick after kick, i could finally fully understand what this girl was going through.

Ok chaeyoung, what did you tell me to do if i ever get in a situation like this?

When a person is going through something give them a hug! It really helps you know!

After recieving dozens of hits from Jennie i dodged the last one and quickly pulled her towards me and gave her a hug, for a few moments Jennie screamed and tried to get away from my grip but that leaded me to hugging her even tighter.

Then on Jennie gave up and just cried on my shoulder. "What do you want from me? I'll do anything so just tell me what it is"

What is this? Why is my heart beating so fast? It made me feel adrenaline leading to me speaking in reply.

"Just shut up and hug me" i said and rested my head on her shoulder.

Jennie was shocked to hear that from her, she thought for a few moments and tears started to fall from her eyes even more. She gave up and placed her arms around Lisa's back and hugged her.

Both of them were like that for a few minutes and Lisa finally pulled away. "Feel better?" I asked. She just looked at me and turned to look into the distance.

"I never wanted to be like this..." I was surprised when she started talking. Could she finally be opening up to me?

"I killed my father just so i could protect my mother, my mom remarried my step father but back then he was assaulting me behind my mother's back. Both of them ended up abusing me and from then on i started seeing Ruby around me"

I rested my back on the bench as i quietly listened to Jennie opening up about her past. As she continued on I couldn't help but feel pity for her and feel guilty that i have such plans against her.

"Little did i knew that there were times that Ruby would take over me just to defend ourselves from my parents I would've killed myself back then if she didn't exist"

"That's when my grandparents suddenly opened up to me, they told me something only i and they knew. Sadly months later they died..."

She looked at me with a threatening look. "They died because of my parents, they killed them. Before i could even speak up as a witness i was already sent away and they made sure that i shut up by attacking me, terrorizing me."

She sighed and sat back. "Now you know my story" she looked at me while i looked at her with a serious expression.

"Now tell me" she took my hand while staring at me intensely. "What do you want from me?" Right at that moment her eyes started shining gold but this time it was only her right eye glowing gold, that's when i knew i was looking at two girls begging for help.


"Ah yes hello agent Manoban, how can i help you? Is everything going as planned with my daughter?"

"Let's meet tomorrow afternoon at 1, i have something i would like to discuss" Lisa immediately ended the call leaving Jennie's mother at a loss of words.

A girl who would shut everyone out just to protect the only weapon she has against her horrifying parents leading to her gaining an alter ego that has a personality of a serial killer.

These two, same faces, same voice yet very different personalities both of them result to using violence as a cry for help.

Now i know what my life's meaning is, after all those years this is what i want to pursue.

I have no idea what im feeling but i want to go forward and see everything unfold.

A feeling im eager to feel

I want to save these two.


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