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johnny pov

i woke up to the sound of a loud uproar which left me panicked. i thought something was happening till ten reached for the nightstand and turned it off. the commotion came from his phone, which read 'rise and shine'. "sorry for the sudden noise, i forgot to tell you that i set up an alarm every weekday.. cause it's hard for me to get up without it." so that's what it was. in hell we usually would just awaken at any time, but i suppose since my human has a schedule.. he would need to arise at a certain moment. "it's alright bub, go ahead and prepare. i'll be here waiting for you."

 he gave me a smile, stood from the bed and entered the bathroom. i wonder what he'll do today, i don't recall how things around here really work cause it's been a centennial since i last visited. a while later, ten emerged from the shower with fresh clothes. going to his bag to pack things up. i love how the boy just continues on with his daily routine like i'm not here, it's quite adorable. when he was finally done, ten headed to the door. i was about to catch up when the human stopped me. "john, stay here. i don't think you want to go to school with me." "but why? i want to protect you from those bullies." a face of hesitation appeared from him, is it that bad? ten sighed, "fine." and gave access to me.

we were downstairs, passing through what i believe was ten's step-family having breakfast when taeyong suddenly looked up. "hold up, i need to talk to you." he said as the boy went to a corner in another room, ten following while i'm being cautious. what's this about now? i better not witness anything unpleasant. "here, you'll need it." taeyong gave a container he obtained from the table. my human opened it up to check, when we both saw a neatly packed bento. what the fuck? bewilderment. "what-" "no questions. take it before i eat it myself." ten placed the food into his backpack, bowing slightly. "..t-thank you hyung." "taeyong come back here and eat your breakfast, we don't have all day." i watched as his step-brother changed his gaze from ten to the hallway. "yes mom." the boy looked at my human one last time before leaving, us going next and out of the house.

"see? what did i tell you?" we were a few blocks away when i decided to initiate conversation, to lessen the tension. "yeah i guess you're right about him.. i still kinda have trust issues though." my boyfriend pouted cutely while hitting my shoulder. thank satan the streets are mostly empty right now. "don't worry about it, i'm sure he'll say something soon." we grinned at each other as the both of us continued walking.. eventually arriving at the school. all eyes were on the boy as soon as we walked in. some whispers, some laughter, but the glaring was extreme. ten kept his head low not liking the attention. "is this normal?" he nodded subtly, maybe i should stop talking.. for the safety of his. we went to ten's class, the human sitting on his table and i headed towards the back. making sure that i can have a bird's eye view. the professor entered a few minutes later, seemingly shocked to see him here. "woah chittaphon, you're early today. i see you've started listening to me.. good." the students were murmuring again.. why does this world love gossip so much?

time skip~

the bell rang as i snapped out of my daze. i suppose this was lunch time. finally, now i've learned why humans find this 'school' thing boring. the boy was already out of the class when i ran to him. we were walking towards the cafeteria when ten took a left turn. should i tell him..? nah, he seems to know where he's going. the both of us climbed up some stairs as the human opened a door, revealing a beautiful scenery. i never knew that students had free access to the rooftop. "do you.. do this everyday?" "yup, cause i usually don't have anything to eat so i go here to admire the view. today's different though. plus, people rarely visit this place. since everyone's got friends but me haha.." i decided to ignore that last part as i found a place to rest.

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