★ 二 十 二

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❝don't worry, i'll be there. shining like a star.❞


third pov

back to the land of the mortals..

jeno's life was now stable. his parents started coming home more due to the break given by their boss and noticed his existence. they apologized for being ignorant and the family finally reunited, "we're sorry for everything that we've done. we only thought of what would be best for our household as a whole.. though never once thought about your feelings." "it's okay. the past is in the past, i just want to be able to be held in your guys' arms again.." "awh, come here our precious son." it was an emotional moment. his friends at school were a small group, but they were happy with it. they cheered him up and was overall there for him always.

the man finally felt that he was accepted in society. jaemin was dreading this day but, it happened. he actually helped another soul with their life. this time it was his boyfriend, he was very delighted. though, why does he feel sad too? well the reason was, the boy had to leave now since the human was contented with everything. it was bitter-sweet, but that's how it works.

it was night time, the couple were in jeno's room just cuddling when the angel sighed. "what's wrong babe?" "nono.. i'm so sorry. i'll have to leave by tomorrow." 
the human looked at jaemin with wide-eyes. "what? but why? i'm finally joyful and now you're going?" "that's the whole point jeno. i was only here to help you with your life. now that everything's secure, i have to go. it's the rules." "fuck that. i don't think you understand jaemin, you're my major reason of happiness. if you go, then i'm back to being miserable!" "that's why i'll be erasing your memories of my existence nono. you'll still be happy, i promise."

the male stood up from his bed. "i'm not letting you do that nana. fuck, why are you doing this?!" jeno burst into tears as he was now hiccuping, with his head on his knees. the boy felt tears on his cheeks as he went to the ground and hugged the crying man. "then what can i do jeno, tell me. do you want me to just break them? stay here on earth forever?" the latter nodded. "it's too bad that i can't do that bub. i'm an angel, it's my duty to protect the humans on this planet. if i slack off, then i'm getting that fact taken away from me."
 the human raised his head and said with confidence, "fine then, take me to heaven instead." 

it was now the angel's turn to widen his eyes. "are you crazy?! you have such a big opportunity to achieve all the things you want in this world! be a doctor, a lawyer.. heck even an idol! why would you stoop so low just for a being like me?" "i thought i told you already. without you, there's no present jeno. i'd still be hanging out with bad people, maybe overdosed on drugs cause of my depression. i'd leave everything behind for you, na jaemin." jaemin sighed. "fine, you win this argument. would you like to write a note first for all the people in your life?" "yeah, i'll do it now. thank you minnie. i love you so much." jeno pecked the boy on the cheek as he stood up and got a piece of paper.

"dear mom and dad, i want to apologize for leaving so soon. why did i do it, you may ask? i promise that i was happy while being on earth, it's just that something urged me to go. what was that 'thing'? i'm sorry but i can't reveal it, it deals with my personal self and you would never understand. please don't blame yourselves for this, it wasn't you.. it was myself. thank you for taking care of me while i was alive. now i'm asking you to do the same with your own self. don't let this day affect you, think of it as something to celebrate instead. stay strong for me. i'll be always watching from above. i love you both with all of my heart." the man neatly folded it on the table and wrote "for everyone" as he faced the other.

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