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❝the mood is getting heavier. i'm just quietly sitting here, trying to get my breath back.❞


the reactions;;

ten and taeyong's death

it was the next week, the morning was gloomy and the weather was cloudy. everything just seemed so eerie and wrong today. the students were already having suspicions cause when they entered their classes, they were met with their homeroom teachers who seemed out of it. "good morning class.." the lady said, staring at ten's empty seat as she took a deep breath. "we have an assembly today, so please.. head to the halls and behave. we're going to be discussing something serious."

the students were all walking, the group of bullies were confused as to where ten was, but was just guessing that he's late again. "kun!" the said boy turned around and saw his friend running towards him, "what is it doyoung?" "have you seen taeyong? he's usually early since he heads here with his personal car but, i don't know.. he's just not here." kun smiled and patted the other's shoulder. "don't overthink too much, i guess this is one of the rare days where he woke up late. let's go, i want to try getting the front row." "okay, i'm curious as to what is going on."

"hello students, i'm sure you're all confused about to why i called in a sudden assembly as we usually schedule it on a wednesday." the principal was standing on the stage with a mic on her hand, looking very heart-broken. "i'm going to be honest with all of you, today is a horrible day. unfortunately, i have some bad news to share." there was a long pause, some teachers can be seen already holding back tears. "we.. have lost two of our own students, your friends. and it was none other than.. the lee siblings." gasps could be heard from the crowd. doyoung and kun were in disbelief, hoping to have misheard the announcement.

"lee taeyong and ten lee. they were believed to have died from a sudden death. none of the medical staff could find an injury on their bodies, except for some small bruises which seemed to have been near to completely healing. please.. let us have a moment of silence for them and pray for the best." and so they did. though two specific people were sobbing while another group was feeling shame, regret, and self-loath. they were revealed to be.. yangyang, xiaojun, and hendery. "how? how can i just realize now that what we did was wrong? we shouldn't have drove him to this.. we didn't even have the chance to apologize.." one of them rant while they kept their heads down, "let's promise ourselves to be better people from now on, to avoid more victims in the future, for ten." the trio silently agreed.

meanwhile, a silent chuckle could be heard, far away from the crowd, but still there.. "what's so funny ten?" "i just find it hilarious hyung.. they're all here suddenly pretending to care when we're gone. yet while we were still there with them, nobody stood up for us.. me specifically! nobody heard my shouts for help, they just stood there watching.. some even daring to laugh! though, how do you feel?" "i truthfully feel kind of bad.." the demon stared at the angel with confusion, "why so?" "i left my friends alone.. i was so selfish, i forgot about them while only thinking about myself. now, they have to handle the unanticipated news that their best friend is dead.. and mourn together while still clueless of what really happened." 

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