★ 二 十 一

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❝i have no thoughts to stop it. i'm the one who keeps looking for you.❞


third pov

the pair entered the room where the god of all heaven was glancing outside the window. his head turns at the sound of the door creak and fixed himself up when he saw the dark figure. "satan, sir." "yes jungwoo, you may leave. thank you." the assistant exit the room while they sat down in front of each other. a few unpleasant moments passed before, "yuta." the latter looked at satan confused. "nakamoto yuta. that's my real name other than my official one." the boy smiled as the other swore that he felt a whole new different sensation from it. "i'm dong sicheng, ruler of heaven." "nice to meet you, i guess.." "it's the same for me!" 

another uncomfortable silence had occurred as yuta groaned, "ugh, i'm sorry but this is so awkward. it makes me want to cry just experiencing it." "hey, how about we drop the professionalism for a few minutes and play some games to get to know each other better? since it's just the two of us, you know?" "how is that even supposed to work?" "like your co-workers, friends, hobbies and other stuff?" "alright i'll go first. i only have one person who i really trust with my secrets and am really good pals with.. his name is johnny. too bad though, i've sent him to earth for his job. i know he'll do well." "what kind?" "ah you know the usual, luring an idiotic human to succumb into the pits of hell where they'll spend their entire lifetime suffering." 

god winced while he heard that. he wasn't the type of person to enjoy the descriptions of someone's agony and it was pretty obvious, "who did you assign him to?" "this teen named ten. he seemed like an easy target, and since that demon hasn't done his work for a while.. i thought i'd start him off with something mild." the sentence piqued his interest. sicheng knew that he should mind his own business but.. he just can't help to wonder. there was always this saying, curiosity killed the cat. and in this situation.. the boy was the cat. "do you maybe.. have some footage of this teen?" "ooh i see someone's interested~" "n-no i just-!" "haha chill, i'm just messing with ya. for a ruler, you really got to train to control your emotions." "u-uhm.. yeah maybe." the taller looked down in shame as satan couldn't help to silently fanboy over his cuteness.

 "here sicheng." god's gaze moved up to find a sphere on the other's palms. he quickly muttered a thanks before gently holding it straight into his forehead. immediately, he was greeted with shock as he saw the human crying out in pain while being beaten by his 'parents'. the marks all over his body proving that it wasn't the first time. sadly, there was more to the story and the latter recalled the horrible memories as if it were his own. slowly, he was pulled back into reality and registered that he had begun breathing heavily. "you alright?" the ruler let out a deep exhale, "i'm fine." poor boy.. it was too bad that he couldn't do anything to help. it wasn't his task, all the male could do was to wish for the teen's safety.

"anyways, it's your turn." "right.. i actually have two that i'm fond of. they have the reputation of being unbiological brothers cause of their inseparable bond and similar first names. but, since you only introduced one.. i'll talk about the one that i'm more close with." "what gives?!" "to be equal stupid! and to make this shorter too haha." yuta smirked, though swiftly wiping it off his face to pretend he didn't make that expression. "whatever, continue." sicheng jokingly rolled his eyes at the latter's behavior, "his name is jaehyun. coincidentally, i'm also about to send him down to the mortal world tonight with jaemin.. the 'brother' i was talking about." "oh. let me guess, to help out some troubled humans?" "that is correct. and i believe that they won't disappoint, they've never failed." "who are the lucky patients?" satan teased, the boy choosing to ignore it. "two teens. one called jeno, who is for jaemin. and taeyong.. for jaehyun." the other widened his eyes at the mention of that name.. "wait. taeyong? is it lee taeyong?" "mhm. i heard that he has anger issues and lives in a manipulative household. why so?" "sicheng, that is ten's step-brother who power abuses him."

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