★ 十 一

65 3 0

❝this cold the world gave to me.. prompts me to press the dust-covered rewind.❞


third pov

"good morning!" "morning.." taeyong and jaehyun stared at each other for a while before the angel got up and sat at the human's bed. "are you ready for your character development classes?" the boy was still obstinate about it but he'll give it a go, "uhm yeah sure i guess.." "that's great! what do you have for today?" "nothing really, since it's a sunday." "perfect! let's go to the orphanage!" the boy let out a look of disgust. "ew, why would i wanna watch a group of poor children surround me?" the man frowned, "cause they will somehow remind you of ten right? the trip would help you sympathize better and get you to apologize earlier." the human visibly tensed. "fine.."

"yes! you should dress up now~ wear something tidy and presentable. you wanna look good in public right?" "yeah alright.. what about you though?" "oh don't worry about me. i'm going to turn myself human." just as taeyong was about to ask what he meant by that statement, with one snap of his fingers.. jaehyun's angel features were all gone. they were now brown eyes with no feathery wings to be seen. "you can do that?" "mhm, it is one of my abilities!" the human got a bit aggravated, "then why didn't you use that when you first met me?! jae, you scared me to death!" the angel had an amused smirk on his face. "you're telling me that you'd rather see a strange male lurking around your room? you could've thought that you were in danger, thinking it was a thief or even a kidnapper! you could've reported me, and i wouldn't be able to help you as soon as possible." the latter crossed his arms, "hmph! fair enough."  "that's why i'd rather get straight to the point with my angel form so you would believe me easier."

"yeah yeah i'm going to the bathroom." the boy stood up and was about to go to the other room when his toe hit the bed post. "FUCK!" "shh! you're going to wake up the others!" taeyong was jumping and holding his right leg while blowing on the aching injury, "well sorry! what else am i supposed to do? ugh curse my clumsy self." "hey if you wanna become a decent member of society anytime soon, you gotta stop that." the human turned to look at jaehyun. "what?" "the f word and other bad ones." "you want me to stop cursing? that's impossible! it's part of my daily routine and if i don't do it, i won't feel like myself!" the angel put his hand on the boy's thigh, "take it easy okay? i'll help you through all of it." taeyong blushed. "thanks.." they let a silence pass through them when the younger suddenly spoke, "i need an excuse to go out though, what am i supposed to tell my parents?"

"just say that you're going to be hanging out with your friends, and if they ask for what then say you're shopping for prom night." "but prom night's not until one more term-" the man used his magic and blew his finger. a paper suddenly came out of a printer, jaehyun got up to fetch it and shown it to the other. "it is now. have fun hehe~" "wow jae, you didn't have to go that far but.. really you amaze me." "it's nothing, just what us angels do~ we need to sacrifice everything for our assigned." they smiled at one another, "now come on, you don't want to keep them waiting right?" "huh? them? you were planning this the whole time?" the angel stuck his tongue out. "duh~ i knew you wouldn't be able to decline since there would be no excuse for you not to go! so i took the risk and told them we were coming."

"you are one sly angel, how'd you even tell them though? i thought you didn't have things like phones in your world." the man smirked and moved closer to whisper into taeyong's ear. "just between you and i, some of the staff that work there are angels. including the head of the orphanage, so i just needed to report to him with telekinesis." the human's mouth turned that of an 'o' shape, "that's so cool- aren't angels just supposed to be in heaven or helping assigned like me though? don't they need god's permission?" "haha god knows, he feels bad for the humans cause he created them. so they're all like his own children, he was the one who sent special angels to work on earth." "cool.. alrighty then for real this time, i'll be changing."

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