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"i don't wanna get hurt again, so i'm covering my ears and walking on my path."


ten pov

after i shook his hand, i felt my body starting to burn. even though it was just a sensation, it felt really hot. suddenly, something stung on my neck for a few seconds and everything went back to normal. i could only compare it to a bite from a fire ant. johnny stared at me with concerning eyes, he really had to stop. to be honest, i made this deal for two main reasons. one being that i can't stand it here anymore and the other, which is the most important, being that i realized i have fallen for the demon and this is just a way for me to be his makeshift partner. that's right. i know you think i'm crazy, heck maybe i am! but i didn't say 'i want you to love me' to johnny for no reason. i specifically pointed him out. i hope he got the message though.

 i touched my neck and it still hurt a little, i wonder why he left that part out. i could've gotten myself ready. "shit, you okay?" johnny asked while walking closer, "yeah, still shaken up but fine. why didn't you tell me about that part?" "what are you- oh, yeah sorry.. i do forget things sometimes." "no problem. anyway, why did my neck sting?" the demon laughed before summoning a mirror and handing it to me. i noticed a black star that was probably inked on me. "a tattoo?" "yeah. it will also signify when the period ends. as time goes on, the tattoo will glow brighter. and when it glows as bright as the moon, it would be time to go." that statement gave me shivers all over, but at least i would die beautifully. "so how much time do i have left?" "well, it is not certain but the whole deal usually lasts for about 6 months.." "half a year?" "yes."

there was a long awkward silence where both of us were looking everywhere except the other. it lasted for about a minute till i decided i've had enough, i held his shoulders and finally got his attention. it looked like he was nervous but i don't care, slowly moving my face closer to his. "t-ten what are you doing-" "our deal.. what are you waiting for? kiss me. i know you want to." his actions were delayed before his lips curled up. "okay fine, you caught me red-handed." johnny was the one initiating the kiss, his lips.. they were so rough.. i loved it. he pulled me closer and i was savoring his taste, sweet like cherry. it was slow, passionate, full of genuineness. it lasted for a few more seconds till we pulled away to gasp for air. the demon stole my first kiss, and i'm glad.

 "that was amazing." he gazed at me with those hypnotizing eyes of his, "yeah, did you know that was my first?" "it was mine too." i looked at him in shock, "what? but you were behaving like such a pro!" "guess i've witnessed too many people falling in love during my lifetime." "oh right, i forgot that you're immortal! have i ever asked how old you were?" johnny scratched his head and grinned. "promise that you won't hate me after this, cause it might be hard to believe." "i will never!" "alright uh.. i don't remember exactly, but i'm at least 1000 years old." i'm not that surprised to be honest, i still decided to tease him though. pushing him lightly while making a disgusted face, "ew i made out with an old man!" the demon looked at me with a pout, "tennie!! you should've expected it anyway since i am a demon after all!" "yah i'm kidding! come here you big baby." we ended up back on the bed as i checked the time, 12:00PM. this is normally the time where i'm asked to do my step-family's errands but.. since i can't go out today, i decided to have a little nap. not before i talk to johnny about something though,

johnten! ― the devil within me😈 (✔)Where stories live. Discover now