F O U R T Y - E I G H T

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threes not a crowd

so are we going to
ignore the train ride and
the group chat orrr

dk what ur talking about

trash bin(s)😍:
blaise remind me to
teach the girl to lie
she's horrid

noted now will you tell
us what happened

he ignored me for days
and then all of a sudden
"oh scarlett I love you"
like fuck off

trash bin(s)😍:
wdym ignored you

do i need to pull out a
fucking dictionary gigi

trash bin(s)😍:
scarlett stfu and let
us help you

how are you supposed to
help me when he's the problem
we all know no one can
knock sense into him
other than me

she's got a point g

thank you blaise
maybe we won't beat the
magic out of you

trash bin(s)😍:
let us help you pls
ik you don't think we can
but i do know someone who
can get thru his head
and they're they helped
convince him to ask you to
the ball

what who

georgiaaaa why don't ik
about this

trash bin(s)😍:
rn that doesn't matter
but i need to know what
happened so we can talk
sense into him

so after you guys left the
manor after that oh so
uncomfortable convo
with cissy we went on a date

ooo spill

trash bin(s)😍:
not the time blaise

not the time

trash bin(s)😍:
what happened next

okay so it all went fine
and we were good and he walked
me to my door kissed me gn

ok so where does the ignoring
come in

chill tf out
i'm getting there
so i woke up the next morning
and went to breakfast with
cissy who had the elves make
my favorite

stan cissy for clear skin

trash bin(s)😍:
for fucking real
continue tho babe

he walked in to breakfast
half an hour late and you can
guess how that went

trash bin(s)😍:
oh no

how is he alive

no clue tbh
and then i said gm dragon
as always bc ya know polite

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