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keeping up with the Malfoys

cissy ❤️
hello dears
we're wedding planning today
please come down stairs and be
ready for noon

lucius 🧝🏻‍♀️
must I attend

yes you must
this is your only son

we'll be there!

my ferret🤍
we will?

yes we will.

look at that
already perfect for the new
lady malfoy

lucius 🧝🏻‍♀️
run now draco



my ferret🤍
oh my god
she sounds like mother

lucius 🧝🏻‍♀️
run boy run

At 11:57, Scarlett dragged Draco downstairs to be met with his mother and a bunch of supplies spread out on the table. Lucius sat next to her, a terrified look on his face.

"Hello Cissy," said said, upon entering the room. Draco pulled out a seat for her across from his parents and then one next to her for himself. The two sat side by side and scanned the table.

"Hello dears, are you ready?" The twin nodded, Draco more hesitantly. "So first things first, don't you worry about money. We know you're parents... absence, and have got it all covered," Cissy said, smiling at her.

"That is so generous of you, but you don't have to do that. I'm sure I can get them to help," Scarlett sighed softly, riddled with embarrassment.

"None sense dear. Next, we need a venue. Do you have a place in mind?"

Scarlett looked up at Draco, "We were here, mother," he said.

She nodded her head enthusiastically and wrote it down in her book, "A date, do you know when the baby is due?"

"Mid September, if she comes as planned," Scarlett said, "September 19 to be exact."

"You've always liked summer and spring weddings, what about before the baby comes," Draco asked his fiancé? "How about August 11?"

"That sounds lovely," She said, Narcissa agreed and also wrote that down. "Now i'll need a list of people from both of you, so here are some papers and quill write down who you'd like to be there."

Scarlett took her set and wrote a good size list:
Georgia Bins & Family
The Weasley Family (9; Molly, Arthur, Bill, Percy, Charlie, Fred, George, Ginny, Ron)
Neville Longbottom & Grandmother
Luna Lovegood
Blaise Zabini
Pansy Parkinson
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Seamus Finnegan

Draco had wrote a similar list, but had added The Goyle and Nott family's. They handed their list back to Narcissa, who wrote her own invites and handed them to Lucius to write his.

"Your parents aren't one here, so do you have someone you'd like to walk you down the aisle? or would you prefer to walk alone?"

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