S I X T Y - O N E

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we who shall not be named🤚

one more bloody assignment in
snapes class and i'll avada him

my ferret🤍
woah woah woah

let's chill out scarlett

hufflepuff wannabe
scarlett we don't say things
like that

I cant calm down i have 5
bloody assignments for him
rn and i'm beyond stressed

granger danger
scarlett you need to calm down

ginevra baby❤️
stress isn't good for you

pug face
why don't us girls do
snapes assignments together

ginevra baby❤️
perfect idea

the boy who won't die
what about us guys

ginevra baby❤️
shut up harry
thus isn't about you

fuck snape
he's a fucking bitch

thing 1
i agree

thing 2
i also agree

the boy who won't die

imagine he pulled a
Dumbledore and popped
up in the chat

trash bin(s)😍
let's not put that idea out there

let him join
he can hear me call
him a bitch bc he is one

half blood prince
i'm a bitch?

ginevra baby❤️
fucking hell ron you
literally jinxed us

no fucking way

thing 2
this is great

yeah keep assigning us
1000 bloody assignments
and i'll keep calling u a bitch

my ferret🤍
woah chill scar
she doesn't mean that

half blood prince
i'm sure she doesn't

oh fuck yes i do

jesus scarlett are you fucking

trash bin(s)😍
this isn't gonna end well

granger danger
scar!! apologize

y'all see harry or ron in here?
no bc they're laughing too hard to

the boy who won't die
she's not wrong

half blood prince
miss fox would u like

tf u still doing here?
didn't moony tell you to
keep your abnormally large
nose out of other peoples

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