liar liar vampire!

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"Still don't know why I agreed to come"Marcel stated as he stood in front of Liam Payne's house with Harry.

The teen was observing the building in front of him. Marcel personally did not know much about the Payne kid, he had seen him around the school and in some of his classes, but just by the outside of the house, he could tell that his parents were rich, possibly top shot lawyers or owners of some prestigious company up in the city's suburbs. If he had to judge by the looks and well known facts, Payne's parents were rarely around, since the Payne boy threw these kind of parties at least three times a month.

"Because you love me"Harry said jokingly, not able to holding his laughter, while Marcel rolled his eyes, pulling down the sleeves of his sweater.

"Keep telling yourself that"

"And you stop being so uptight" Harry said as he rolled his eyes a bit, continuing to walk towards the house. He turned around, walking backwards to see if his brother was following behind, which he was, however excitement wasn't see across his face

"That's exactly why we are here"

"To have fun...and for you to finally relax" Harry said as he went towards the boy, coughing to grab his attention, because Marcel's attention was on anything, but Harry and his speech about "living your lives to the fullest".

"So go find a girl...or a guy...lord knows, I don't judge"Harry winked and Marcel once again rolled his eyes, honestly unbelievable, how did this dummy get him to agree to this over the top and so not worth his night time idea?

Harry saw this as a great opportunity, while Marcel saw it as great pain in the ass...however that were Marcel and Harry, you could say polar opposites, but they work so well and they do not even know why.

"Still don't know why I followed you...I should've listened to Edward" Marcel said and Harry shook his head at that was Edward they were talking about.

"No, no, no...Eddie is such a buzzkill...please don't tell him I said that" Harry said, remembering that in fact, it was Edward they were talking about and to say that the guy was scary was an understatement.

Marcel only chuckled to that.

"Plus...isn't it too dangerous for us to be around this many people...they may notice"Marcel said, reminding Harry that they weren't in fact regular high school students, trying to party, get drunk or even hook up.

Harry knew that what Marcel was thinking about was clear and very much rationale, but he also knew his brother and he knew that this constant worry and fear would not get him anywhere...he still had a life and he had the right to live it however he wanted to, just like any other human would.

"It's a halloween party...if anything, they'll think it's your costume" Harry said not willing to give up on his plan, Marcel maybe stubborn, but Harry was his match made in hell...and to be honest Marcel had a soft spot for his brother, he would never admit it, never really, he would rather die than admit it, but it was both knew that Harry was going to win this time.

"Now just listen to me...and see where night takes you"

and with that Harry shoved him into the house and disappeared.
Harry was at going around the party.

Red solo cup in his hand and a smile on his face.

Harry was enjoying the party...probably not as much as Marcel;)...but he was still enjoying it.

Then he heard some cheering {super hearing peeps}...some may say it is a gift, while Harry found it a huge pain in his ass.

Harry could not care less about other people's conversations, hookups in the bathroom, break ups in the kitchen or cheers at some stupid thing the teen boys were doing while intoxicated with too much cheap beer...that was until he had heard it...him.

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