Chapter 24

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*Morgan's pov*

We've been in Vancouver with Jon for a week now and I was loving every moment of it taking Jackson out set watching Jon I was taking Jackson to see Jon before I took him around Vancouver..I have my 5 month old in his seat as I carried him on set..I smiled as I saw Jon and Stephen "Hey."

Dean smiled widely "I thought you weren't coming today."

I smiled "Well we were heading out to explore some more so I decided to stop by and let him see his daddy."

He kissed me quickly before taking Jackson out of his seat and walking off

Stephen chuckles "That's all he talks about when he gets here..that little old is he now?"

I smiled softly "5 months.."

He smiled as we walked after Jon "I knew he was married but I was surprised to find out he's a dad...I've noticed he's never brought up."

I nodded "Well he's 5 months old I'm not willing to put my infant son in storylines...but I'm sure with what we have going on when we get back he'll get brought it.."

Stephen nodded "Makes sense."

Eventually we were leaving and they allowed Jon to go back to the car..I smiled "I'll see you later.."

Dean moved his hand into my hair pulling me closer "I love you."

I smiled "I love you too..."

He pressed his lips lightly to mine "Be careful today."

I smiled "Always.."

Dean nodded "I'll see you tonight."

I smiled softly "Yeah."

He kissed me again then walked off

I smiled to myself and got in the car after buckling in I drove off...after hours of exploring and some shopping Jackson and I went home...I was getting him ready for bed..I sat in the chair with him resting against my knees...I tickled his belly "You know you could of done me a little bit of a favor and looked just a little like me and not be your daddy's clone."

"He definitely has his mother's dirty looks down."

I turned my head seeing Jon leaning against the door way freshly showered "How long have you been home?"

Dean smiled "Long enough to take a quick shower and throw on pants."

I smiled as we walked in "Well we had a very productive day even got our little guy some new shoes.."

He leaned down pressing his lips to mine "What about me?"

I smiled "Hmm you'll see later."

Dean raised an eyebrow "How long is later?"

I shrugged "When he goes to sleep."

He took his head picking Jackson up "I'll put him to bed."

I slowly stood up "If you insist."

Dean sat down "We got this go.."

I smiled and walked out..I changed into the lingerie set I bought today...I turned as I heard Dean suck in a breath "Well?"

He slowly walked over "My god."

I bit my lip as his hand slowly trailed down my side "Jon."

Dean moved my hair off my neck pressing a kiss to the exposed skin "You're so beautiful."

I pulled him closer by the waist of his pants "I love you."

He smiled "I love you too."

I leaned up pressing my lips to his as I felt him pull me towards the was just great

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