Chapter 36

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*Morgan's pov*

It was Thanksgiving time Ryder's first Thanksgiving so Jon and I decided to spend the holidays in Greenwich even Norah flew out...I walked into the kitchen where Norah, Mom, Granny and Nanny were cooking...I bounced Ryder in my arms "Anything I can do to help..I'm feeling a bit useless."

Mom smiled "We got this just focus on that sweet baby boy."

I laughed "Okay okay I get it."

She smiled "Shoo."

I laughed and walked out..while the kids were playing my uncle, dad, grandfathers, and husband sat watching a football game I sat indian style on couch with Ryder in my arms "Jon can you take him so I can help Marissa with the kids."

Dean turned taking Ryder "Sure babe."

I kissed his cheek the stood up walking to the play room grandma and grandpa set up for the kids I smiled as I walked in "Hey."

Jackson came running "Mommy!"

I picked him up "What's up monkey?"

He looked up at me "Food mommy."

I nodded "Nana, Gigi, Granny and Nanny are cooking but I'm sure Nanny has some fruit we can munch on."

Jackson nodded "Okay.."

I smiled softly as we walked out..I walked into the kitchen "Jack wants fruit."

Mom looked up "Grapes are in the drawer."

I got the bag out then went into the living room I sat back in my spot with Jackson on my lap while he ate happily..I tucked a wild strand of hair behind his ear

"Jack come sit with Papa."

I watched as Jack climbed off my lap and walked over to my dad crawling up in his lap...before long we had dinner of course my grandmothers insisted on cleaning up refusing to let me help...all the kids sat in the floor watching a movie..Ryder was in his swing...I sat curled to Jon's side I whispered "I love you."

Dean looked at me with a smile "I love you too.."

I smiled lacing my fingers with his and returned to watching the movie...eventually the kids were asleep or in the process or went home as in my sisters and parents I sat talking to my uncle while Jon got the boys down "Do you miss the company?"

Shane nodded "Sometimes but I like the normality I have now...well as much as I can as a you miss it?"

I nodded "I miss the rush of being in the ring...I don't miss the hurting...but I miss how it felt to compete...I miss being ringside with Jon.."

He nodded "Didn't Paul place you in charge of the NXT girls?"

I nodded "Starting in January...I only work Monday and Tuesday...and special events rest of the week is strictly for the boys."

Shane nodded "Think you'll ever return to TV?"

I shrugged "Maybe one day."

He smiled "You know it's still hard to believe you're the same bratty kid that was're a wife and mom now."

I smiled "Trust me I never expected this for myself even dating Jon...him proposing that of all places I didn't except...I surely didn't plan to find out I was pregnant with Jackson...but all of this means more now...I finally understand why dad acted the way he does with me."

Shane nodded "I told you that you'd understand one day.."

I smiled softly "You know I had people I was crazy for dating Jon...especially when he was Jon Moxley....even more when he became Dean Ambrose...but I love my life I love how hectic it is...granted I don't have Jon home as much as I like but when I do me and the kids are all that matter..."

He nodded "I was unsure about Jon when we told me...then I met him...I saw how deeply he cares for you...I was shocked when you split...but when Paul told me you two were back together I knew one of two things was going to happen you would go against your father and marry Jon in Vegas...or Paul would come around and you and Jon would do it the right way."

I smiled "I'm glad Dad came around.."

Shane nodded "And now you have two good looking boys."

I smiled after a while I went upstairs...after peaking in on Jackson I found Jon sitting in a chair with Ryder talking

"You know little guy before your brother I never thought I could love anyone as much as I love your mom...then your brother came love grew...then you came along as well and I realized I now have 3 people in my life that I love with all my heart and without you and your brother me being gone so much just wouldn't be worth it...I know your way to young to understand what I'm saying but I do this to make sure you and Jack have more than what I had...I want you guys to not want for anything....but coming home to you guys and your mom means more to me than any championship ever could."

I stepped in "That's sweet."

Dean looked up "Hey babe."

I walked over seeing my sweet little guy slowly falling asleep "Looks like daddy has the magic touch."

He sighed "I feel like I'm not home enough...he's 2 months old and I've been home maybe 3 weeks."

I picked Ryder up and placing him in the bassinet with his pacifier...I looked back at my husband "Don't do that...the boys love you...Ryder knows who his daddy is trust I wish you were home more yes what wife doesn't but baby I knew what I was getting into...I knew what life was ahead of me...not one regret...I am married to the man of my dreams the man who has had my heart since day've given me 2 beautiful babies... God I love you and I'll follow you where ever this life leads us."

Dean took my face in his hands and kissed me "I love you baby."

I smiled softly "I know."

He kissed me again "We should sleep."

I nodded "Yeah."

Dean smiled "Cmon babe."

I smiled softly and with that we crawled in bed and went to sleep naturally having Jackson crawl in bed with us..

Author's Note

How sweet was that father/son moment

That talk between Morgan and Dean

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