Chapter 13

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*Morgan's pov*

It was literally the week before my wedding and we were at Raw..I had been feeling sick for a couple days and brushed it off as nerves...until I had realized I was late...running to the office I made Vicky leave before closing the door..I looked at Stephanie with a look of panic..."Mom I'm late."

Stephanie looked at me "Are you sure?"

I nodded "I should of had it last week....then I got to thinking I didn't have one last month either."

She grabbed her bag "Come on now..."

I nodded and followed her out after grabbing my bag we left...I sat on this table in this crappy paper gown waiting test results..I looked at her "What if I am?"

Stephanie nodded "Then you'll tell Jon and we'll figure it out..."

I sighed deeply closing my eyes trying to calm myself...I opened my eyes as the door opened...I sighed "Well?"

The doctor have me a slight smiled "Miss Levesque you're pregnant and blood test shows you may have been for a bit.."

I sighed deeply silently praying I didn't do any harm to the baby.."But."

She smiled "Just relax I'm going to do an exam to see just how far along are you?"

I leaned my head back ashe began..I held on tightly to Stephanie's hand "Mom what if I hurt it?"

Stephanie shook her head "You haven't wrestled since're fine."

The doctor smiled "Well everything looks good development is as it should're measuring at a little over 11 weeks I estimate a due date of March 25th..."

I sighed slightly looking at the monitor I was nearly 3 months along and I had no idea...when it was all said and done we left...I sat staring at the sonogram in my hands "I should of told Jon first..he should of been there for this..."

Stephanie nodded "Sweetie it's had no idea you actually were Jon will understand..but you need to get in there and tell him he's gonna be a daddy...and then you can tell your father."

I got out of the car with a smiled "Thanks for being there mom."

She smiled "Anytime."

I smiled and headed inside...I found the guys by catering "Hey."

Dean smiled "Where did you disappear to?"

I smiled softly "Had to do something with my mom....but I need to speak to you privately.."

He nodded "I'll be right back guys.."

I led him away from everyone "I went to the hospital."

Dean's face instantly grew worried "Are you okay?"

I nodded "I found out why I wasn't feeling good.."

He raised an eyebrow "Do tell."

I held the sonogram in front of him "We're having a baby."

A grin slowly formed on his face as he stared at the picture "You're pregnant?"

I nodded "Little over 11 weeks...we will have a March baby..."

He nodded slowly "12 weeks ago we were in"

I nodded "Either our last night there or that weekend we got back..."

Dean grew a little concerned "So that means you were pregnant when you faced Aj."

I nodded "Everything is okay...we have a perfect little monkey in there."

He just took my face in his hands and kissed me...he pulled back slightly "I love you."

I smiled "I love you too."

Dean smiled "Can I tell them?"

I nodded "Go ahead..."

He kissed me again and walked off sonogram in hand

I walked off to find my dad..I found him in the Authority office on the phone..I lightly closed the door as he ended his call "Hi."

Dad walked around and kissed my forehead "What do I owe this visit?"

I smiled softly "I actually got some big news to share with you."

He raised an eyebrow "Everything okay?"

I nodded "Everything is perfect."

Dad nodded "Then tell me."

I smiled softly "You're gonna be a grandpa."

He just looked at me "You're pregnant?"

I nodded "I'm due in March."

Dad just pulled me into a hug "Congratulations sweetheart...I'm happy for you...does Jon know?"

I smiled softly "He knows so does Mom.."

He smiled "You're in for a wild ride sweetheart when this gets out...and you do know if you are out in that ring it will be with The Authority...I mean don't get me wrong I have no doubts that Jon can protect you out there but it would make me feel better not only for my daughter's safety but my grandchild's"

I nodded "I know Dad."

Dad kissed my forehead "Congratulations again sweetheart..."

I smiled and walked I turned the corner I was attacked with hugs from Nikki, Brie, Trinity and Natayla "Oh gosh.."

Brie smiled widely "Jon told us you're pregnant..."

I smiled "Yeah I'm due in March.."

She smiled "I'm so excited our groups first baby well sorta."

I smiled "Yeah I'm kinda excited."

Naomi smiled "So does this mean you won't be in Europe next month?"

I nodded "I'll be in Europe...."

She smiled "I can't wait to do the whole baby shower thing."

I laughed "Let's get through next week first.."

Natayla laughed "Right.." 

We talked door a while until I joined the guys in the locker room... after the show we all headed to the hotel...I sat on the couch while Jon ran to get a pizza...I laughed as he came in holding 3 pizzas "How many do you think we need one would of done it babe."

Dean shrugged "I wasn't sure what would make you sick...Stephanie said some foods you normally eat could make you sick."

I smiled "Aren't you sweet."

He sat down opening the boxes "Take your pick."

I smiled picking up a slice...after 3 slices I was stuffed and exhausted so we went to bed..I smiled as Jon rubbed my stomach "Excited?"

Dean smiled "Actually I am...I mean not like I planned to knock you up but it's kinda exciting that I'm going to be someone's dad...I didn't have the best male influence but I'm excited."

I let my hand rest on his "You're going to be fine."

He smiled "Hell yeah I am...I get plenty of practice with your sisters."

I buried my face into the crook of his neck "That's how I know you'll do just fine."

Dean lowered his voice "Sleep."

I nodded and slowly drifted off to sleep


Well Morgan is pregnant but it's not going to be an easy road for her between Cassie trying to worm her way back in and Norah's demands...will Morgan snap or will Jon's protection of Morgan come in to play full force...

Paul makes a hard choice for the sake of his daughter and grandchild's safety from the Internet trolls.

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