Chapter 19

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*Morgan's pov*

My little Jackson was a month old now and we were slowly getting into the routine of being on the road especially since I was supposed to make my television return next month during the Shield/Evolution but I wasn't returning to wrestling till the end of June...I couldn't lie I was so excited to be involved in a feud with my parents but no one outside of us and the factions knew this was happening...but tonight was the Hall of Fame...we had decided we wanted Jackson there it was a family event and loud noises to my surprise didn't bother him at all...I was at the hotel getting Jackson ready when Jon walked in..I smiled "See told you the navy and the chestnuts looked better...always listen to your wife."

Dean kissed my cheek "You look beautiful."

I smiled softly "Not bad for a girl who gave birth a month ago."

He smiled "Hell no my wife is hot..especially in this black dress."

I picked up Jackson and put him in his seat "Well we're ready.."

Dean picked up the diaper bag and left..opting to leave his seat in the car he carried him inside..he smiled "Well little man your first wwe event outside the womb."

I smacked his side "Hush."

Lita walked up "I heard you'd be here tonight...and that handsome little boy I've seen so many pictures of."

I smiled "Amy meet Jackson..or Jax as we've all been calling him."

She smiled "Looks like his daddy that's for sure."

Dean chuckled "Stubborn like his mother though."

Lita laughed "She always was a stubborn one...but look at you Morgan hard to believe you had a baby a month ago."

I nodded "I an thankful for good genetics and a husband that made me walk."

She laughed "Always good to have both...when are you returning to the ring?"

I smiled "Aiming for end of June...but I start traveling again after this weekend."

Lita smiled "Well I gotta go it was so nice seeing you again...and congratulations again on your handsome little guy."

I smiled "Thank you.."

She smiled and walked away

Eventually it was time for the ceremony..we were sitting in the row behind my family but a little further down..I had Jackson laying on his blanket covering my dress as he slept soundly sucking on his pacifier..I had since took his little hat off tucking it in the back his little blonde curls my surprise he did in fact sleep the entire ceremony...when it was over I smiled as I finally got face to face with my dad "Hey.."

Dad kissed my cheek then took Jackson "How was he on the flight?"

I smiled softly "He slept the entire time...I got a mellow baby."

He smiled "You were a mellow baby...I would go check on you because I was afraid you weren't never fought bedtime..unless you were sick then you were glued to my side..."

I ran my hand lightly over Jackson's head "I'm still finding it hard to believe that I made him..that he came from me."

Dad chuckled "I'm still coming to grips with the fact I'm a grandpa."

I smiled "I think it suits you finally got your boy."

He grinned "Yeah.."

Dad smiled "I'm gonna go show my grandson off..."

I laughed as he walked off with Jackson and his diaper bag...I walked over joining Jon, Joe, Heather, Jonathan and Naomi...I smiled "Hey.."

Naomi shook her head "I'm had a baby a month ago and you look better than me."

I laughed "You look great Trin..."

She smiled "I'm serious...the girls are lookin good."

Dean grinned "Don't they though."

Heather just laughed "Well we all know Jon isn't going to complain."

I smiled "No he isnt."

He smiled "What can I say I have an incredibly hot wife and I have no problems sharing that information."

I rolled my eyes "See what I deal with...I basically get assaulted every day."

Roman laughed "Price of marrying the Titty Master."

I laughed "I hate that nickname."

He laughed "It's funny."

I shook my head "Yeah yeah.."

Dean kissed my temple "You love me."

I smiled "I do..."

Jimmy chuckled "I bet you're ready to come back."

I nodded "Gonna take my time though...I wanna get as much time with Jackson as possible before I'm back in the ring."

He nodded "Makes sense."

Not long later Dad offered to take Jackson so Jon and I could have a night to ourselves...Jon even ran out on got the car set out for them and the extra room key so they could get the travel bed from our room..while Jon was hanging out with the guys I stood talking to the girls..we huddled in for a photo *First night out spending it with these lovely ladies at the WWE Hall of Fame..can't wait to get back to my baby boy* I smiled softly enjoying my time

*Dean's pov*

We were given strict orders to enjoy the after party so we were..Morgan wasn't drinking so I decided to stop at 2 and leave it at that....I stood back watching Morgan talking to everyone...I looked at Joe..."She's nervous about coming into this Evolution feud..they wanted her to side with Paul but Paul refused he didn't want her come back to being with him...him and Vince want her with me."

Roman nodded "Even when?"

I nodded "Yeah..."

He nodded "I think it's great..I mean it's been done before but everyone knows how close they are having her against him will make for a damn good storyline..."

I nodded...time passed and Morgan was ready to leave...when we got to the hotel we decided to leave Jackson be but let Paul know if he needs us to call...I had so smile as Morgan walked out in a pair of pajama bottoms and one of my shirts "God you're beautiful."

Morgan shook her head "Keep that up my ego will be unbearable..."

I shrugged "I can deal with that.."

She laughed "I'm sure you could...but right now we really should get some sleep...we got an early day.."

I nodded as we got in didn't take either of us long to fall asleep

Author's Note

How will things go once Morgan gets involved in the Shield/Evolution feud

Norah will be paying a visit that doesn't go as hoped

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